Search and Ye Will Find…

I’ve mentioned before how I like to read the blog 101 Books. I even did a guest post there a few months ago with my 101 Must Read Picture Books list. One of the things that the author of that site does is to look at the search terms that people use to find his blog, and then answer the questions in a post. He’s done this several times, and it’s always quite funny. Here’s the most recent one.

It cracks me up to read search terms that lead people to 101 Books. I also enjoy checking out the search terms that lead people to my blog. So, I thought I’d share a few of them with you today. In instances where the post that was found by the search term seems obvious, I’ll share the link for it too.

By far, the post with the most searches is the one about Miss’s Snow White themed birthday party last year, my favorite of which is “non cheesy disney princess party.”

Other commonly searched posts are 18 Things My Daughters with Know Before They Turn 18, Summer “Bucket List” – 50 Summer Activities for Kids, and A Horse-Themed Birthday Party with Sparkly Tail Tutorial. The search terms that lead folks to those posts aren’t exciting, but it’s interesting (to me at least) to see what kinds of searches lead people to my blog. There were 55 different search terms just for the Snow White party post!

Another one that gets searched a lot, and in fact seems to be one of the most clicked on posts of all lately (it’s usually the most-clicked each day behind my home page and the most recent post) is 9 Reasons I’m Not a Feminist (and Maybe You Aren’t Either). Some of the search terms that lead people to that one include “feminists annoy me,” “i am not a feminist,” “why is it that i agree with feminists yet they annoy me,” “feminism and raising children,” and “legal paper feminist view on stay at home mom.” Somehow I think the searchers using the last two terms may have been disappointed with what they found here. My favorite term for this though? “mommy i’m a feminist.” I just have to laugh, imagining someone typing this in as a search term. I wonder what that person was hoping to find?

Some search terms make me smile to think they led someone here:


Some terms made me chuckle to think that the searcher probably didn’t get what they wanted by clicking here:

Perhaps some folks were looking for homework help and not finding it here:

The post with the funniest search terms I think, considering the post itself, is Two Stories About Opossums.

  • “opossum gun” (there were no guns in my story!)
  • “opossum dazed” (it was fine)
  • “acting opossum dead”(I know, but I was confused!)
  • “opossum stories for kids” (nope sorry, not this story)
  • “opossum vs. possum” (Oh! I know this one!)
  • “will a possum bite off its own leg if caught in a trap” (yes, it would seem so)
  • “saving dog savaged opossums” (oh dear, don’t ask me!)


And then some others that just made me laugh, or made me pause and think, “hmmm”



And there you have it. I had fun looking back on some old posts to write this. And imagining what people might have been looking for when they typed some of those searches and found this blog.

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One thought on “Search and Ye Will Find…

  1. Oh my gosh, please tell me how you figure this stuff out. I laughed right out loud over some of these!

    And I loved your Feminism post, even though I do (kind of) consider myself a feminist. A colleague I had in Virginia had the license plate tag “feminist.” She was quick to encourage me and another colleague who was pregnant to stay at home and raise our kids. She had no kids of her own, but was adamant that being at home with our children was the most important thing we could do. I found that refreshing.

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