One Wonderful Guy

I’m enjoying having my husband home this week.  We have been relaxing and he’s helping me get as much rest as I can.  Other than the days Miss went to school, he’s been letting me sleep in, which is such a wonderful luxury.  I slept until 9:30 one day!  It was amazing.  He’s been outside with Miss and Lass a lot too, which they love.  They’re working on getting our garden planted.
The girls helped him plant some veggies in these boxes today.
Then he opened the sandbox for them.

Oh, how they enjoyed the sandbox.  This was Lass’s first experience with it.

I must admit, I’m usually not a great lover of the sandbox.  But I think my lack of enthusiasm comes from having Miss in it last year in the middle of summer when she was hot and sweaty and sunscreened and it was nearly impossible to get the sand unstuck from her.  Today, it was no prob. Brushed right off.

Miss found a worm.  She didn’t want anything to do with it.

But Lass thought it was pretty darned cool.

It was a great day for lots of playing outside.

I love looking out the window while cooking dinner and seeing my husband chasing my girls around the backyard, playing “Monster,” or teaching them to kick a ball.  Sometimes I glance up and see them all just lying in the grass chatting and snuggling.  It warms my heart.  He is such a great girl daddy.  He is so thoroughly outnumbered, and I think he loves it.

I’m taking advantage of having my husband home this week and trying to spend some good one on one time with each of my girls.  My older girls have been such troopers through the whole adjustment to having Baby Sis home.  Miss loves to help with her, but I’m trying to give her some special attention all of her own too.

When I first brought Sis home, I was worried that Lass might get lost in the shuffle.  Miss was so interested in Sis and wanted to hold her and help with her all the time, and Sis of course just needs lots of attention and time.  I felt nervous that Lass might get left out.  So I have made a special point of trying to make sure that doesn’t happen.  She’s such a little lover that it hasn’t been hard to get in lots of extra snuggles with her and give her some special time.

I am not going to make the mistake I made with Lass of not introducing her to a bottle until she was five or six weeks old, at which point she flat out refused it, and continued to do so until I gave up trying to get her to take one.  Sis isn’t necessarily loving the bottle yet, but she has done pretty well taking it both from her daddy and from me this week.  I’m trying out a few different bottles to see which one she likes best.  I have just about every type of bottle ever made from my attempts with Lass, so she has lots of choices.

She is such an amazingly easy baby so far.  I’m finding it so easy to just soak up the sweet moments with her.

Unfortunately my sweet littlest one has had a little tendency to scratch the heck out of her face.  Poor baby.

You would think, this being my third time doing this, that I would have mastered the art of cutting newborn fingernails by now.  No.  I suck at it.  I tried three times yesterday to get those suckers trimmed and she was so squirmy I couldn’t get them done.  I know.  I’m a total wuss.  Today I finally wised up and cut them while she was sleeping.  Mission accomplished.  Why didn’t I think of that before?

I’m loving having three precious girls.  And one wonderful guy.

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