Just the Girls

We girls have been on our own since Thursday morning.


Daddy is out of town for a few days.

We’re holding the fort.

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Though we miss Daddy like crazy when he’s gone, I try to make things extra fun (and extra easy) when I’m on my own so we can all stay sane.

Okay, so I can stay sane.

We eat easy meals. We have picnics in front of the TV with a movie on. Tonight we went to buy some Easter dresses (it just occurred to me that we need these this year since we’ll be going to church, and Carter’s is having a 50%-off sale) and hit the Culver’s drive through on the way home. They ate dinner while watching Snow White.


During these girls-only days I’ve been finding such joy in watching and listening to my girls play. Even more than usual for some reason. It’s probably in part because I’ve been trying to just slow down and be more mindful. I also think it’s because the two older girls are playing together so well these days.

And because Little Sis’s personality is just so fun to watch. This girl is turning one in five days!




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The pretend play of Miss and Lass is so creative and funny I could listen to them all day. A favorite game this week has been playing veterinarian. They discuss at length the various ailments of their stuffed animals and how they are going to heal them. Miss gives orders. They say, “Let’s…” and “What if…” a lot. They’re learning so much just from playing together. Have I ever mentioned how happy it makes me that they have each other? As my husband says, “It warms the cockles of my heart.”

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They make up all sorts of scenarios with their princess dolls. They go far beyond your typical princess stories.


They’ve been listening to the “Tangled” soundtrack this week. We usually listen to it in the car, but yesterday we played it loudly in the house, and they decided they needed their hair braided like Rapunzel so they could dance.IMG_1880

(My braiding skills have come a long way!)


The dancing Rapunzels:


They’re all growing up so fast.

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We’re eagerly awaiting the return of the Daddy.

When I’m parenting on my own for a while I even brave the ugly basement. The girls love the basement.

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Sis loves walking back and forth across the open area of floor with this lion. When she gets stuck, she gives me this look:


So I turn her around and she goes again.


Yep, they love the basement.


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Daddy comes home tomorrow. We can’t wait.




P.S. I’m typing this post during the commercials of the movie “Blind Side.” I tend to watch chick flicks (and Golden Girls, and Friends, and Days of Our Lives on Soap Net) after the girls go to bed when I’m home alone. I’ve never seen this movie before.Β LoveΒ this movie.

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One thought on “Just the Girls

  1. Their stuffed animals definitely appear to be in good hands and receiving excellent care! lol I used to do the same thing when I was little πŸ™‚ I love that your girls play so well together – I know several families that aren’t as lucky – any tips? I would so love to see my Itty Bitty blessed with some sisters πŸ™‚ – I had a younger brother πŸ™‚ I also love the Blind Side! my husband is thrilled when I don’t make him watch those emotional heart pullers – all the tears πŸ™‚ Way to hold down the fort! πŸ™‚

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