Daddy’s Birthday

Friday was my husband’s birthday.

I love his birthday.

SInging "Happy Birthday to Daddy"

I so enjoy the feeling of doing nice things for the one I love.

We were on vacation, so I got up with the girls and let him sleep in (which he did for me many times during the week). I made him coffee and breakfast.

He went to the archery range to shoot with my Dad and when they came back we sang “Happy Birthday” and had brownies and ice cream.


After I put Sis to bed the older girls watched movies with my Mom and Dad and my hubby and I went out to dinner.

It was delightful.

My favorite part of the day, however, was when he opened his presents.

Just like last year, I took the girls to the Dollar Tree and gave them each $5 to pick five presents for their Daddy.

Last year, Miss didn’t quite get the concept of buying something that someone else would like.

This year, Lass was pretty much at that same place with her shopping.


She chose for him a green vase, a box of tea (the girls love to help him make tea in the evenings after dinner), a package of chip clips, a bottle of gas treatment, and a package of disposable styrofoam bowls. We were cracking up as she pulled each item out of the purple polka-dotted gift bag she also selected specially for her Daddy.


Miss, on the other hand, was very serious this year about getting what she thought her Daddy would like. She was thoughtful as we walked through each aisle of the dollar store. She scanned the shelves looking for just the right things.


She chose a box of tea and vase for him as well, though she picked an orange vase because orange is her Dad’s favorite color. She got a box of crayons because her Daddy likes to color with her. A small sprig of holiday greenery caught her eye, and she got it for him because it had a drum nestled in it. Her Daddy loves music. And finally, she selected an orange flashlight for him.

In the photo below, she is explaining to him that she got the flashlight “in case [he goes] out hunting at night.”


I know my husband loves seeing the things the girls pick out for him.

I think it’s almost as much fun for me to get to go shopping with them and see how they choose their gifts. I just love the way they think.

This is one of my favorite birthday traditions.







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3 thoughts on “Daddy’s Birthday

  1. So precious… and I’m glad you included the photo of the gas treatment… I wasn’t sure what type of gas you were talking about! Made me laugh out loud, both when I read the post, and then when I saw the photo! Happy birthday to Daddy!

  2. Cute post. Love the tradition of the dollar store gifts… thinking I should start that with B for Mike’s birthday next year. The girls are so adorable!

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