7QT, Theme Thursday, All in One

Linking with Jen and Cari today.


Cari’s Theme Thursday this week was “Google Image Search.” Easy – type your own name into Google Images and share the first image of you that comes up. Except that I am kind of crazy paranoid about keeping myself and my family somewhat anonymous on the internet. I don’t use my last name here on the blog, I don’t use my kids’ real names, etc. Add that to the fact that my last name is super generic (think Jones), and I end up with a Google image search in which not one of the photos that shows up is of me. Not. One. I would have done a screen shot of the images that did show up, but I have no idea how to do that, so here are a few samples.

^^ Not me (that’s Amy Grant in case you couldn’t tell)

^^ Also not me (that’s Amy Lee from Evanescence)

^^ Yeah, not me either (Amy Smart?)

Anyway, you get the idea. There were tons of photos that came up of people who actually do have the same name as me, but I didn’t want to put some random person’s pic on here without her permission, so these are a few of the celebs that came up.

Apparently, as far as the internet is concerned, I don’t really exist. I’m cool with that.

To see other people’s actual pictures of themselves from Google image searches, check out Cari’s Theme Thursday link here.


We started homeschooling this past week. This is earlier than I wanted to, but Miss will be starting her part-time kindergarten next week, and for the first week she’s going to go for three full days so she can get into the classroom groove and get to know the other kids. I wanted her to get a foundation of school at home before doing that, so I began before I was entirely prepared.

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It’s been a little crazy. I’m not in a groove yet. I haven’t gotten things worked out so that I can work with Miss and keep the others occupied and still be able to do a little bit of one-on-one work with Lass. I don’t know what the heck I’m doing.


^^ She doesn’t use a binkie, she just found that and decided it was nice to chew on ^^

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I will say that, though it has been a little crazy, I’m pleased overall with how the week went. Miss is begging for more of her reading lessons. The girls learned some fun stuff, like what onomatopoeia and personalization are (thanks, FIAR). They had fun coming up with examples of these. We did some cool art. We went on our first field trip.



The field trip was to a place called Bookworm Gardens. All of the different areas at these gardens are based on different children’s books. They even have little cubbies all around the gardens with the books in them, laminated, so you can read them while you explore.


^^ Goldilocks and the Three Bears


^^ Little House on the Prairie


^^ Horton Hatches the Egg


You get the idea.

I thought it wouldn’t be crowded, since school groups aren’t taking field trips yet. I failed to realize that, since most schools haven’t even started yet, the summer daycare programs are ending, and they’re taking field trips. The place was packed.

We had plenty of fun anyway.



In addition to having to prepare for doing my own schooling with the girls at home, I’ve had to get Miss’s stuff ready for her part-time Kindergarten too.


Which means a lot of labeling. Her teacher wants everything labeled. Each crayon. Each marker. Each colored pencil. That’s a lot of labeling. Super Friend did this last year, and she recommended her handy dandy label maker machine.


Which really is quite handy dandy. Except the labels aren’t quite as sticky as they’d need to be to stay on curved objects, like crayons and markers. I stayed up late Sunday night and got all of the items labeled. When I went to show Miss her stuff the next day, I found that on the 108 crayons, 20 skinny markers, and 10 colored pencils, the labels didn’t stay.


I panicked for a moment, and then resorted to the obvious solution. Scotch tape.

DSC_0170I went back and taped over every one of those suckers.

When I took Miss to meet her teacher and drop off her supplies in her classroom she said to her teacher, “My Mom was really smart, because she put my name on all of my things.”

Worth it.


Speaking of taking her to meet her teacher, the open house for her school was on Thursday. She got her school pictures taken.

IMG_3498She looks so grown up, and so tiny, at the same time. Look at her little feet dangling. I could cry.


We had a birthday party today.


A little girl who really loves animals is turning four tomorrow.


Naturally, we had her party at the zoo.

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We had just enough time to play on the playground for a bit and see all the animals before it started to pour. Between them running out from under the covered areas to get wet on purpose, jumping in puddles, and needing to make a mad dash through the rain to the car, we had some wet kids when it was all over.


I suspect the rain and puddles were one of the highlights of the party for them.


After much deliberation, prayer, and checking (and rechecking) with my husband to be sure he’s okay with it, I have decided to become a sponsor for the RCIA program at my parish this year. The first class is September 8th. I can’t wait.

For more quick takes (probably much quicker than these!), check out Conversion Diary.

The La-La Factor

My middle child is a dreamer. You might say she’s flighty. A bit of a ding dong.


Trying to get her to focus long enough to complete a task is difficult to say the least. She’s easily distracted. She wants to sing and twirl and play. She is constantly imagining herself somewhere else. The drudgery of this world, things like putting on shoes, cleaning up toys, changing from pajamas into clothes, is just too uninteresting for her. She has no time to stop for such petty nuisances. Picture it:

Me: “Girls, please get your shoes on” (calling to them while packing some things in my bag as we’re getting ready to leave)

Miss: “Okay” (starts to put shoes on)

Lass: “La la lalalala laaaaa” (dancing, twirling, singing, swooping an animal or princess figure through the air, maybe sort of drifting in the direction of her shoes)

Me: “Okay, coats on please!” (handing them coats, realizing Lass is nowhere near getting her shoes on)

Me: “Lass, please get your shoes on!” (while putting Sis’s shoes on her)

Lass: “Laaaaa” (drifting, drifting, close to shoes, still twirling)

Me: “Honey! Put! Your! Shoes! On!”

Lass: “I AM!!!”

Me: “No you’re not. You’re dancing and twirling. That’s not putting on shoes.”

Lass: “MOM I AM! Stop talking.” (more dancing and singing) “I can’t find my shoes!” (They are right next to her)

Me: Head explodes.


The La-La Factor. That’s what this is. It’s taken me a while, but I finally have a name for it. It must be considered in all things. Cleaning up toys? Yes. Getting dressed? Yes. Making sure she doesn’t drown during swimming lessons? Yes.

It requires very precise, very specific instructions, given while making piercing eye contact. Like this exchange before leaving the locker room to go to the pool every single week:

Me: (on eye level with her) “Okay, what is our rule during swimming lessons?”

Lass: “Stay on the side of the pool unless my teacher says.”

Me: “Yes. Do not get in the water unless your teacher tells you to. If you get cold and if your teacher says you can, you can wait your turn in the water, but you always keep one hand on the side of the pool at. all. times. Do you understand?”

Lass: “Yes.”

Me: “Look at my eyes. One hand on the side all the time. Okay?”

Lass: “Okay.”

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Excessive you think? Paranoid? Helicopter-ish? Well, even after going through that with her every week, even given the fact that her toes can touch the bottom in the area where they do lessons, I have still nearly had to jump in for a save more than once when she has “forgotten” my instructions, bobbled her little self out and away from the side, and gone under the water (while her teacher is instructing someone else clear across the pool). Even after all that, I still drenched myself while lunging for her in the zero entry area while she was playing before class, and her dancing and flopping around led her to lose her footing and go under (no preplanned instructions for that, I guess).

It’s okay really. Of course. The sweet girl is pretending and dreaming. It’s my job to think about the serious things in life, like potential drownings and keeping the house tidy and getting us where we need to be on time, not hers. But man, the La-La Factor throws a monkey wrench in my plans on a daily basis.

Getting dressed? I give clear instructions for her to get clean underwear, long pants and a long-sleeved shirt and put them on. I leave her to it while I get Sis dressed. I come back a while later and she is lying on her floor, pajamas off, no clothes on, singing a song while twirling her pants over her head. Or she’s pulling her pants up with no underwear on underneath. Or she’s sitting in her closet, pajamas still on, trying to put a dress on a doll. Every. day. She meanders. She flits. She dilly dallies. It’s utterly endearing. And utterly maddening.

In all fairness, Miss is not immune to dilly dallying. I’m sure no child is at this age. Though I think with her it’s less of a La-La Factor and more of a I’m-Pretending-I-Don’t-Hear-You-And-Intentionally-Moving-Very-Slowly-Because-I-Don’t-Like-To-Be-Told-What-To-Do Factor.

Oh well, what can I do? Besides giving specific instructions, periodically losing my mind redirecting gently, and incorporating the La-La Factor into planning for all things? I don’t like to hover. I adore that she’s so imaginative and playful. I guess I just enjoy that she’s dreaming. And leave lots of time to get ready for all things.


Birthday Party Success!

My girl had a wonderful birthday yesterday.



In fact, they all seemed to have a fun day.


I’m happy to report that her horse-themed party was a success.

We had balloons, and sparkly horse tails to wear, and foam ride-on horses to make, and horse tattoos, and Pin-the-Tail-on-the-Horse, and pizza and cake, and it was great.

I didn’t take many photos because I was in full-on Hostess-with-the-Mostest mode. My goal was to keep everything running smoothly without seeming over-manage-y. I didn’t have a clue how to do that going in, but I think it all worked out pretty well.

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Chaos ensued with the gift opening.


All kids were engaged in assisting the gift opening, and all grown ups were engaged in getting gifts out of the tornado-proof packaging.

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We had a happy birthday girl at the end of the day, and lots of new horses with which to play!

She also finally got her very own “Wendy dress” nightgown. She requested green.


It was a happy celebration of 3 years with this precious girl.



I am blessed beyond words.



Our Week in Review

Linking up with Conversion Diary again.

1. When we went to Des Moines for the fair, we had a little pre-birthday party for Lass. She was so cute and so excited about the whole thing. Each time she opened a gift she said a sweet, breathless little “Fank you!!” accompanied by a tiny giggle. She melts me.

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2. Speaking of birthdays, my Dad turned 70 on Wednesday. We couldn’t be with him, but my girls drew him some pictures:

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Lass drew two caribou and one “caribou-snake” and Miss drew a dinosaur (“Grandpa loves dinosaurs, doesn’t he?”), and a “snake-eel.” Sis mostly just likes to hold the crayons.

3. After Labor Day Lass will be starting swimming lessons with Miss. She has been begging to do this for the past year. Each time I took her to the drop in care at the YMCA when taking Miss to her lesson, she asked to take swimming lessons too. I told her she had to wait until she was three. She is so excited to start in a few weeks.

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4. We have a swing set/play structure thing at our house. It’s sort of a cheap one, and we won’t take it with us when we move.

I have decided that when we build our new house, I’m not going to get a new “play system.” My girls’ favorite outdoor play spaces are old trees and big rocks and tall grasses. Those are much cheaper.

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5. I always forget to pack bathing suits when we travel. In July, when we went to my parents’ house, I packed the girls’ suits, but forgot my own, so I had to run to the only store they have in their town, Dollar General, to grab a suit when we took them to the beach.

This week I forgot everyone’s suits. When the girls played on the beach, I didn’t really care. They just got their clothes wet and sandy and it was no big deal. But when we went to my sister-in-law’s house, I knew the kids would be swimming in her pool. I figured we would all need suits, so I ran into Target on the way to her house to pick some up. The suits weren’t quite the right size since the selection was pitiful, but at least they were on sale. Happily, my husband was merciful and let me out of wearing my ill-fitting, mismatched suit, saying he could handle the two older girls since we didn’t go in the pool until after Sis was in bed. He’s the best. Plus he was the only one in a suit that fit…

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6. Cuteness:



7. Last weekend my husband’s whole family (almost) was here to help get things cleaned up. That’s because the annual Labor Day Party/Family reunion that used to be hosted here at the Farm is back this year.


Last year it was at a different venue, and it was amazing. But I’m excited for it to be at the Farm again. It’s a costume party and the theme is “Jobs.” I have no idea what my costume is going to be, let alone for my three little ones. Any suggestions?

Rock Star at Two

I know this makes two posts in two days with a video of my middle child.  But this video just cracked. me. up.  I have been trying to explain to people how she does this little rock star jam on her fake guitar, but it really defies explanation.  At two, this girl rocks the guitar like it’s her job.

She takes after her Daddy, I think.

Also, I apologize for the video from yesterday.  I didn’t realize that it wouldn’t play for anyone but me, because I had uploaded it as “private.”  I have fixed it now, so both videos can be viewed.

Please, No Prison Riot References This Time

This girl is now potty trained.

She was fantastic throughout the 3-day process.  Today she didn’t have even one accident.  She totally rocked it. The biggest difficulty she’s had these past few days has been with false alarms.  I’m not sure if she was just worried about having an accident or still a little confused about her signals for “time to go!”  It was probably a little of both.  An example: Tonight she was sitting on my lap while watching a movie.  She let out a big toot, stood up, looked at me, and said with a big smile, “I just poop on you Mama!”  I tried not to laugh.  For about a tenth of a second.  She just smiled bigger as my mom and I cracked up and I tried to catch my breath to explain to her that she had not, in fact, pooped on me.

Whatever.  She had fewer false alarms today than yesterday.  She gets it.

It was seriously awesome to do the potty training thing with my parents here.  My dad cooked dinners, making it possible for me to hover around Lass at all times, saying repeatedly, “Make sure you tell Mommy if you have to go potty, okay?” and for us to still eat good food.  My mom totally covered things with the other two.

This little one got handed off to Grandma many times while I ran with her sister to the bathroom.  She took it in stride.

Hopefully, the great results will continue.  The 3-day program I use is tiring, but if you’ve been reading here for a while, you might remember that my real trouble with potty training Miss occurred during the week after the initial training was done.  In fact, in writing about an especially difficult day that week, I referenced what I had learned about handling a riot while working in a federal prison.  You know things are tough when you’re comparing dealing with your toddler with handling a prison riot.

Let’s just say I am fervently hoping I do not have any type of repeat of that experience this week.

In other news, my husband is coming home tomorrow night.  He will probably be very dirty and possibly quite smelly after more than a week out in the woods.  I don’t care.  I. Can’t. Wait.

Because No Good Birthday Celebration is Complete Without a Little Vomit at the End

Yesterday we had a wonderful celebration at home for Lass’s birthday.  She started the day a bit less enthused than she was when we had her little party at my sister-in-law’s house.  That day she was telling everyone excitedly all day that it was her birthday party and she was going to blow out her candles.  On her actual birthday she woke up in a mood, and when I went to get her up and told her “Happy Birthday,” she frowned and said, “No I NOT!”  She did this all morning, complete with her exaggerated mad face (and sometimes the statement “I mad!”) and dramatic crossing of her arms over her chest.  Though I was wishing she was more happy about her birthday, it was quite adorable.

After her nap and by the time my husband got home she was a bit more cheerful and excited for her day.  The girls helped make dinner and we had ice cream sundaes for dessert, with a candle and singing of course.

Princesses were plentiful in her gifts, mostly Cinderella of course.  She got a beautiful new Cinderella dress complete with glass slippers and was in heaven dancing around in it, posing to see her reflection.

She also got a new set of mini-princesses, just like the Cinderella she carries around all the time.  She got Cinderella, Ariel, and Snow White, in wedding dresses, with their princes.  The new Cinderella was introduced to the old Cinderella and there was some kissing.

She likes the new Cinderella.

But my girl is nothing if not loyal.  The old Cinderella, whose dress is totally missing its skirt now, is still ever present in her left hand.

Sis enjoyed watching all the festivities and laughed at her sisters playing.

The birthday was a wonderful success, right up until the very end.  Just as I was getting ready to take Sis upstairs to put her to bed, Lass threw up all over her new dress and the kitchen floor.  Chaos ensued briefly, but we managed to get Lass a bath and all three girls to bed fairly quickly after that.  The birthday girl did sleep all night, though she woke up still feeling pretty yucky this morning.

We had a jammie day and watched movies.

She perked up a little bit before lunch.

We had a picnic dinner while watching Sleeping Beauty before bed.  You can see she’s feeling much better.

I think we may have found a new family movie night tradition…  Off to get ice cream.  Good night.

A Birthday Preview

Somebody turns two on Friday.

We had a little birthday party for her with my husband’s family while visiting with them this past weekend.  She was so excited, walking around all day leading up to the party telling everyone, “It my buh-day pahdy!”

She wasn’t quite sure what to make of it when everyone sang “Happy Birthday” to her, and she was a little hesitant at first about blowing out her candle.  But once she figured out what she was supposed to do she got it done and looked very proud of herself.

She had been waiting all day for this…

Miss got a big laugh out of the chocolate on her face.

I was a little nervous about how Miss would do in the face of seeing her sister get all kinds of cool presents when she wasn’t getting any for herself.  She’s in a “scream first, think later” phase right now, so I thought she might totally melt down.  Happily, she did not.  She did have a few moments of jumping around with “Ooh, I want that, I want that, can I have one of those?” but listened well when I explained things to her and didn’t scream or otherwise throw a fit.

I think she really was excited for her sister, and Lass shared her new loot quite nicely.  Sisters rock.

Even with all the gifts, this thing was the big hit of the evening.

Lass’s actual birthday is on Friday.  We will do lots of fun stuff and have a small party just with our family in the evening.  Instead of cake they’ll get to make their own ice cream sundaes.  I’m so excited.  I love when my girls have birthdays.  I love to see their excitement and joy.  Of course I also get all nostalgic and marvel at how big they’re getting and how all of their baby days seem to have flown by.  And I say it, every time, “I can’t believe she’s __!”  I can’t believe she’s almost two.

Bring on Summer

We have started our new summer schedule this week.  Miss is still going to school for the month of June, but she’s switched to Tuesdays and Thursdays to make room for a Monday and Wednesday swimming class and Wednesday art class.  So far this week we’ve been busy but thoroughly enjoying it.  Lass and Sis came with me to vote in our state’s big recall election yesterday while Miss was in school.  Lass waited so patiently in line with me.  She got a cookie when we were done.  And a sticker, of course.

She is such a funny little character.  While on our way out of the building where we voted, an elderly man was walking in, and as we passed him he held out his hand to her as if asking her for her cookie.  She was holding her cookie in her left hand, with her right hand holding mine.  Without skipping a beat, she let go of my hand and slapped the man’s hand to give him “5.”  She is awesome.

Sis just hung out and slept the whole time.  She’s a dream baby.  We voted after she had her 2-month doctor’s appointment.  She weighed in at the 90th %ile, and her height is around the 97th %ile.  Pretty much the same as her sisters at that age, though Miss is now around the 50th %ile for both height and weight.  I had to pull out 6-month sized clothes for Sis this week!

Miss started a new art class today.  I tried out the drop-in childcare at the YMCA for Lass and Sis and got in a workout while Miss’s class was going.  I have never done that before.  I am wondering why.  It will now be a weekly practice.

Naturally, we had some mad dress-up after coming home.  Miss has started striking these funny little poses when I ask if I can take her picture.

I have no idea where she learned this, but I love it.

Both older girls were accessorized to the max.

Thank goodness this little one is a wonderful traveler.

We are leaving again for the Farm on Friday for another week of sun and outside playing and exploring.  And dress up.  There will be lots of dress up I’m sure.  I know Lass will be happy to reunite with the pink leo.  

Welcome summer!

Wednesdays with Lass

At least once per week, on Tuesday or Wednesday or both, I have a special morning with Lass while Miss is at school.  Sometimes we run errands or just go home and play.  Often we go to a local cafe where they have a big play area for little ones.  Sis comes along of course, but mostly she just sleeps or chills in her car seat or wrap, so it is special time for Lass and me to hang out.  Her little personality just seems to blossom during these times.  She is so curious and chatters away about everything she sees.  She loves to look at the mural at the cafe and point out each animal she sees.  She plays in the little house and with the train table.

We have a snack.  She likes to climb up in the chair at one of the other small tables, point to the other chair and say, “Sit?  Mama sit?”  Then we sit at the table, just the two of us and chit chat.

Yesterday she wouldn’t take off this paper bib after her snack.

She is growing and changing so quickly.  She’s 21 months old today.  Her vocabulary seems to grow every day and she now speaks in full sentences.  She has little things she likes to say a lot, like “No yet,” if you ask her to do something or “Okay?,” meaning, “Are you okay?”  She pats or rubs my arm or leg if she can when she asks this one.  She is very interested in taking care of her baby sister and tries to be able to do all the things her big sister can do.  She is now wearing a “big girl pony tail” like her big sis.  She looks so grown up.

I love my mornings with my middle girl.