Because No Good Birthday Celebration is Complete Without a Little Vomit at the End

Yesterday we had a wonderful celebration at home for Lass’s birthday.  She started the day a bit less enthused than she was when we had her little party at my sister-in-law’s house.  That day she was telling everyone excitedly all day that it was her birthday party and she was going to blow out her candles.  On her actual birthday she woke up in a mood, and when I went to get her up and told her “Happy Birthday,” she frowned and said, “No I NOT!”  She did this all morning, complete with her exaggerated mad face (and sometimes the statement “I mad!”) and dramatic crossing of her arms over her chest.  Though I was wishing she was more happy about her birthday, it was quite adorable.

After her nap and by the time my husband got home she was a bit more cheerful and excited for her day.  The girls helped make dinner and we had ice cream sundaes for dessert, with a candle and singing of course.

Princesses were plentiful in her gifts, mostly Cinderella of course.  She got a beautiful new Cinderella dress complete with glass slippers and was in heaven dancing around in it, posing to see her reflection.

She also got a new set of mini-princesses, just like the Cinderella she carries around all the time.  She got Cinderella, Ariel, and Snow White, in wedding dresses, with their princes.  The new Cinderella was introduced to the old Cinderella and there was some kissing.

She likes the new Cinderella.

But my girl is nothing if not loyal.  The old Cinderella, whose dress is totally missing its skirt now, is still ever present in her left hand.

Sis enjoyed watching all the festivities and laughed at her sisters playing.

The birthday was a wonderful success, right up until the very end.  Just as I was getting ready to take Sis upstairs to put her to bed, Lass threw up all over her new dress and the kitchen floor.  Chaos ensued briefly, but we managed to get Lass a bath and all three girls to bed fairly quickly after that.  The birthday girl did sleep all night, though she woke up still feeling pretty yucky this morning.

We had a jammie day and watched movies.

She perked up a little bit before lunch.

We had a picnic dinner while watching Sleeping Beauty before bed.  You can see she’s feeling much better.

I think we may have found a new family movie night tradition…  Off to get ice cream.  Good night.

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