Can I Become a Morning Person?

I’m trying something new. Waking up early in the morning, before any of my kids get up, to have a little time with my coffee, my computer, a book.



I think I’m a better mom if I don’t start the morning by waking at the same time as my kids to immediate needs of changing diapers, making breakfasts, finding lost toys, etc.

At least, this is my hope.

I am not a morning person.

Never have been. When I was in college and graduate school for example, I regularly stayed up until 3 or 4 AM and then slept until noon whenever possible.

Of course I haven’t had that kind of schedule in a long time, but the point is, morning is not my natural prime time.

Today my goal was just to get out of bed early. Period. I set an alarm and got up at 6.

My plan is that I will begin regularly exercising again during these early mornings. I had a trial run of this a few weeks ago and it was good. One morning I actually got up at 4:20 AM to make it to a 5:00 workout! I won’t make that a regular occurrence, but getting a workout in first thing in the morning is good for me.

I might need to start going to bed earlier, which is very painful for me but probably necessary.

I had to force myself out of bed this morning. But here I am. It’s 6:46 AM, my husband and my kids are still asleep. It’s peaceful at this time of day, and I like getting myself together before beginning my day for real when my family wakes.

I hear a little person stirring upstairs now.

Are you a morning person or a night owl?

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3 thoughts on “Can I Become a Morning Person?

  1. Night owl. Always have been.
    My family is usually scared to speak to me first thing in the morning.
    I have always stayed up too late. And oddly, I do my best work at night. (Making jewelry, cleaning the house, laundry.)

    But since we started homeschooling the kids this year, I have been attempting the ‘normal’ person schedule. I was exhausted the first week.
    I try to get up and work out before the kids get up so that I can truly wake up before feeding them… or talking to anyone. Some days, I kick butt at it. Others… not so much. 🙂

    Good luck! I know it’s not easy. But you can do it!

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