A Visit with my Auntie

Last week we took the girls for a quick visit with my Auntie and Unka. Lass had never met them and Miss hadn’t seen them since she was about Lass’s age. My Auntie is my mom’s sister, and is very dear to me. We also got to see my cousin and her husband. It was a wonderful day. The morning started with Miss calling my Auntie “Grandma?” since Auntie is so similar to my mom. This tickled me, and I think it helped her get over her initial shyness pretty quickly. Naturally, my outdoor girl wanted to get outside and play right away.

The day was laid back and hot. The cool concrete felt great so we just camped out, visiting and playing.

The girls had lots of fun exploring a new place and playing in the yard.

The dog’s water dish was like a magnet for Miss. She made “soup” again.
Unka captured a snake that Miss got to take a look at. Ew.
Auntie and Unka have a great tree for hanging “from the bar” as Miss said.

Auntie tried to spoil Miss a little with some yummy snacks Miss doesn’t usually get, like colorful goldfish crackers, fruit snacks, and frosted animal cookies. I told her that Miss would say the same thing about her that I once did when I was about 10 and visited her, “You’re just like my mom, except you have dessert!”
I was thrilled that Lass seems to be getting past her stranger anxiety and got to bond with Auntie a bit.

It was like magic for me to watch my girls with my Auntie. It was a short visit, but I loved every minute.

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