The Edel Gathering is coming up soon! I am so excited. It’s fun to see some of the ladies who will be there starting to post a bit about their plans for the weekend. Dwija is giving us a sneak peek of her shoes for Friday night’s Cocktails and Crazy Shoes party, and Kathryn is taking requests for an upcoming post of must-dos while in Austin.
Here’s my question though: Is anyone else obsessing a little bit about what to sing for karaoke night? I have lots of songs I like to sing on the rare occasion that I do karaoke, but I’m not quite sure if any of them is fully appropriate for a gathering of Catholic moms.
I mean, is “Satisfaction” by the Rolling Stones too suggestive? How about “Blister in the Sun?”
I could do “The Joker,” but is it okay to sing about being a “toker” and a “lover” and a “sinner?” I just don’t know.
“Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy?” No??
I really enjoyed doing “Poker Face” last year at the Labor Day Party my in-laws host every year, but I don’t know if I can get up in front of a room full of Catholic mamas and sing, “And baby, when it’s love, if it’s not rough it isn’t fun. . .”
Maybe Jennifer Fulwiler can open the karaoke by rapping something by Tupac. Then I wouldn’t be so nervous.
My girls had summer camp at the YMCA this week. This was Lass’s first time being dropped off for a preschool-like situation. She’s kind of a mama’s girl, so I wasn’t sure how she’d like it. But she was with her sister, so she did just fine.
I did not dress them alike ^^ They each picked that shirt independent of the other.
It’s been so strange having two of my three children gone all morning. I’ve been reminded of how, in many ways, having one child is harder than several. Without her sisters around, Sis is so much more demanding!
Check out this wonderful patch of weeds and dirt:
This is the site where we will be building our dream home. We’ve been waiting for many years to do it, and we’re finally just about ready to break ground. We have a builder, and a house plan, and an address, and our permits, and we are almost ready to go. We just need it to stop raining. As I type this I’m looking out the window at another day of steady rain.
On the way to camp this morning Lass started singing,”Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day.”
After a moment Miss said, “I didn’t work. Maybe it will work if you say ‘please’.”
So Lass revised, “Rain, rain, go away. Please-come-again another day.”
Silence for a minute, then Miss, “Nope.”
We’ve had our first harvest of our garden this year!
Lots of radishes and greens and herbs so far. Tomatoes and peppers and green onions and beans will be coming soon I hope.
A few more photos from our week at the Farm:
I went to our local outlet mall this morning to get some outfits for the girls’ pictures we’re having done on Monday. I couldn’t help but think about this one from a couple of years ago:
I still can’t believe I was able to get that photo. My Grandma made all of those dresses^^ for me when I was little. One is sized about 2-3T (on Lass), one is 4-5T (on Miss) and the other one (on Sis) is the doll dress from the Raggedy Ann my Grandma also made for me. I barely squeezed Sis into that dress, and I couldn’t get it buttoned, but I was determined to get that photo. It’s one of my very favorites.
I was thinking about the photo because it’s time to have Sis’s two-year photos in the dress with the doll. I had the same pics done for Miss and Lass:
I insist on pulling out these sweet old dresses for photos because, well how precious are they?? But also because I have a photo of myself in the same dress with the same doll at around two-ish too.
If I could find more of that vintage fabric I would absolutely hit up my Grandma to make (or help me make) more of these dresses in ever-increasing sizes and just keep getting Raggedy Ann/matching-sisters photos for.ev.er.
Would that be wrong?
Seven Quick Takes is hosted at Team Whitaker this week. Check it out HERE.
What happens at Edel, stays at Edel. Sing your heart out, cutie pie.