7 Quick Takes, Stupid Tired Edition

Linking up with Conversion Diary

1. Okay, I swore (to myself) that I wasn’t going to post any more about how much winter is crushing my soul and how crummy our never-ending sicknesses have been. But I just can’t help but say one thing. This week beginning on Monday: Puking. Ear infection. Fever. More puking. I think that sums it up. My poor children.

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^^ Okay, in that picture they weren’t actually sick, just pretending to be Aristocats taking naps.

2. I hardly ever put on TV for my kids. We watch DVDs a fair amount, but I almost never turn on the TV and let them just watch shows. But we have had so many sick “movie days” that they are tired of their movies and other DVDs. Today we had the TV on all morning.


Survival mode.

3. I have a problem with my camera. Somehow, when adjusting the ISO (I think that’s what I was doing) I ended up with this as the view on the screen every time a take a photo:


I cannot figure out how to get this to go away. I have tried everything I can think of. Except looking in the owner’s manual. I have a thing about owner’s manuals. Mainly that I can’t stand them. Anyone know how to make this go away on a Nikon?

4. I have found a new awesome thing. My children, especially Lass have crazy amounts of hair. Her hair is looong and thick. And she hates to have it brushed.


Seriously. Hates to have it brushed. To the point that she lets out blood-curdling screams that seem more indicative of having her eyeballs poked with needles than having her hair brushed.

The other day I happened to see a post on a friend’s FB page. It was a message from someone else thanking her for the recommendation of the Knot Genie. I was intrigued, looked this magical-sounding item up on Amazon, and saw this as the product description:

“The Knot Genie Brush was created for every mom that has endured the screaming matches that come with brushing their child’s hair.Try the Knot Genie on your kid’s hair you’ll be amazed by the ease of brushing, as well as how it virtually stops breakage and split ends.”

That thing was in my shopping cart and on its way to my door via Amazon Prime and our UPS man quicker than you can run a brush through my three year old’s hair. Which is not that quick. So it was way quicker. So far I’m liking it. I haven’t used it a ton on the screamer, because she’s been sick since I got it.


But it worked like a charm on Miss’s hair after swimming lessons yesterday. I’m hopeful.

5. Speaking of hair, this is what my oldest child would look like if she had gotten the red-hair gene from my husband’s side of the family: IMG_2961

Or if she put on an Ariel wig she got for her birthday. Sorry, the title of this post says it all about what I’ve got going on here this afternoon.

6. I am debating whether to go upstairs and try to take a nap as I type this. I really need sleep, because poor Lass was up sick all night. But I’m so bad at napping, I’m afraid I’ll go up to my bed and not be able to sleep, and then I’ll be in worse shape than I am now.

7. I have nothing else. I think I am going to attempt a nap.

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