A (Long Overdue?) First Hair Cut

Miss is three and a half years old, and before today, she had never had a haircut.

I’ve been toying with the idea of having her hair cut for the last six months or so.  I just haven’t been able to get myself to do it.  I know she has been needing at least a trim, but I so loved her long hair.

And somehow, it seemed like getting her hair cut was such a big girl thing to do.  Like it would be the for real end of her babyhood.  Yes, I know she’s three and a half.  Her babyhood is past.  But it seems like just yesterday I was putting in her first pigtails.

I’ve never been much of a hair stylist.  Pigtails and ponytails or a barrette on the side about round out my hairstyle repertoire.  Even with my own hair, that’s about the best I can do.

I was quite proud of myself for styling this adorable bun when she was a flower girl last summer.

Fortunately for me, she went through a several-month-long ponytail period in the winter and spring.

Lately, she hasn’t wanted to let me do anything with her hair.  She almost never allows me to put her hair in pigtails or a pony anymore, and it’s been a bit difficult to even get her to let me put in a barrette.

So, I’ve been thinking for a little while I really ought to go ahead and have her hair cut.  But I was still a bit hesitant to do it.  Good thing my girl knows what she wants.  She told me a few weeks ago that she wanted her hair cut.  I waited just a bit before actually scheduling an appointment, to make sure she really wanted to do it.  When she mentioned it again last week, I went ahead and made an appointment.  She was so excited.

She did a great job sitting still for the stylist.

She didn’t like the clips in her hair, but she was okay with them when I told her they were only temporary.  This is the part where I almost cried.  And yes, we saved the first cutting of hair.

I love her little shy smile.

I was very relieved that she loves it.

I love it too.  She looks so grown up.

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One thought on “A (Long Overdue?) First Hair Cut

  1. Oh, she’s so beautiful! We waited about the same amount of time for my daughter’s first haircut, and then I forgot to bring my camera. So we have pictures of her getting her second one instead!

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