Today Miss turned two. It’s late, so this post is going to be a bit shorter than I would like. We had a big time today. Here are the highlights.
We started with open gym at the local gymnastics center where she takes classes. The we met up with some friends for lunch and playing at a local kid’s cafe. She was really loving the birthday thing. The balloons, the singing. The fancy head band.
Then we went home and Miss had a short nap while we waited for her Daddy to get home so we could open presents and have cake.

She really enjoyed all of her presents. She especially loved this Snow White gloves/necklace/purse set.

We weren’t really going to do the whole smash-cake thing like we did for her first birthday, but between the time I took the candle out of the cake and got a plate to put a slice on for her, she had decided to dig in.

She didn’t realize there was ice cream in the middle though until I cut her a piece. Then she was really digging it.
We’re leaving very early for Florida tomorrow, and my bed is calling me, so this post is shorter than a second birthday deserves. We did it up right today though. My big girl had a big time. And so did I.