I love the time right between day and night. When the sun begins to sink and the heat of the summer day fades enough that cozy jackets are warranted. When the littlest is in bed and the two big girls are excited because they know they’re up past their bedtimes for a special treat, playing with cousins, sitting around a campfire, toasting marshmallows and eating s’mores.

I think this is like a little piece of heaven. Special time with my husband and two older girls, a toasty fire as the twilight gives way to a cool night, and chocolate. Yep. Heaven.
So precious! I just love your photos with their captions! And while I love that Sis is still a babe, I can’t wait til she grows up more to learn what her little personality will be… the differences between Miss and Lass crack. me. up. !!!
Love you!!