Sometimes the littlest things make me the happiest.
Like watching my kids play with rocks.
Honestly, I can’t even describe how much I love to watch how creative their play is.
With rocks.
Miss informed me they were playing a game called “Get Rocks Clean.”
They were very intent on cleaning their rocks, though there was much more to it than that. This game was quite involved.
And I was so excited when Miss said, “Mom, I’ll put my clean rock up here now and the sun will evaporate the water and it will be dry.” Pause, “But there aren’t any clouds…”
She was thinking of our discussion of the water cycle and how evaporation leads to the formation of clouds.
Um, I get kind of giddy when she randomly talks about something that I taught her in our homeschool lessons.
The simple things…
Sis loves rocks too.
I have been wanting a storage shelf for our art stuff for a long time. One like this:
I saw one like this at Miss’s preschool, and I loved it so much I looked for one of my own. I found several places to order one online, but I could never bring myself to actually spend the money.
Well. Miss’s old preschool teacher closed the school about two months after I took Miss out and started homeschooling. This past weekend she had a yard sale and was selling off a ton of the stuff from the school. I was so upset because we’re out of town, and I couldn’t go. But she let me put dibs on the stuff I wanted! She even showed me pics on Facebook.
I got a shelf just like the one above. Actually the shelf that inspired my love of The Shelf. I got it for a steal and it’s already put together and I don’t have to pay shipping or pay extra for the storage bins…
I am unreasonably excited about this shelf that I’m getting. Seriously.
I might have gotten up and done a little happy dance when I sealed the deal with Miss’s old teacher over FB chat.
And I might have spent the past 24-ish hours dreaming up ways to rearrange our homeschool room to accommodate the new things I got.
Because I didn’t just get that one wonderful shelf. I got another hinged/folding shelf, and a paper cutter, and a board game, and a box full of stuff for a Zoo unit that I just happened to see in a picture she sent me of the shelf. We are doing a Zoo unit next after Horses!
I’m giddy I tell you.
Simple things.
And here’s one more.
I have come to appreciate the beauty of a concrete patio this week.
Our driveway is asphalt, which isn’t really conducive to playing barefooted.
Or lying down.
If my kids even sit on it to draw with their sidewalk chalk or examine a bug their pants get all blackened. It makes everything black and gross.
So usually they sit in the grass or color on our brick walkway, which isn’t all that fun because how much can you draw on a brick?
But concrete?
That’s the stuff.
It’s just right for bare feet and rolling around and making art.
I never occurred to me until today how lovely concrete is.
By the way, Sidewalk chalk paint: Crush a stick of chalk in a ziplock, add it into a little bit of water, stir, voila!
There must be something with kids and rocks
My two boys love playing with rocks and can spent hours and hours coming up with games and ways to play with them!