Today started with me making pancakes for breakfast, served with fresh berries. My hubby went outside after breakfast and cut some of the most gorgeous peony blossoms I have ever seen from the bushes in our yard. They are absolutely beautiful sitting on my kitchen table, and they smell like heaven. Then we went to the local farmer’s market and bought some delicious-smelling cilantro and dill, green onions, green garlic, lime basil to plant with my other herbs (I had never heard of this before!), and some locally made apple syrup and sorghum syrup. Yum!
After Miss took a nap and had lunch, we went to the pool for the afternoon while my hubby went golfing. No puking this time, fortunately! Miss and I had a wonderful time playing in the water. She is getting a little bit more confident and enjoyed splashing and bending her knees to dunk her booty in the water. By late afternoon it started to get cool and cloudy, so we got dry just as my hubby was finishing his round of golf and we had a snack of ice cream before it started to sprinkle and we went home. Miss took another short nap and then I made dinner of venison tenderloin, butternut squash, and asparagus. I gave Miss a bath, put her down to bed, and experimented with our new macro camera lens while waiting for some people to come purchase some furniture I posted on Craigslist yesterday. Check out a couple of the pics below.
The furniture sold and I started making a new pair of pants for Miss. I really fell in love with these pants, but couldn’t justify spending that kind of money on a pair of pants for a toddler, so I found a pattern and some cute fabric and just have to manage to add the ruffles at the bottom (the pattern doesn’t include these). Anyway, I got the pants cut and put together. Tomorrow I just have to try them on Miss to adjust the elastic and length before putting the elastic in the waistband and adding the ruffles to the bottom. I’m so excited to see these on her!
The way they’re laying in the photo makes the leg length look uneven, but it’s not!!
I found myself just enjoying so much about today. It really did just have the feeling of the perfect summer day.
What a wonderful day you all had!