I love wedding receptions. There is no better place to let loose and dance yourself silly. Where else do you get to hear such a variety of songs, all just perfect for dancing? You can do the “Twist,” throw your head back and sing loudly to “Paradise by the Dashboard Lights,” shake your booty and rap all the words to “Ice Ice Baby,” slow dance to any number of great love songs, seemingly always played two at a time, and do all sorts of line dances. Songs like “Love Shack,” “Groove is in the Heart,” “Takin’ Care of Business,” “Shout!” and so many others just beg to be danced to. It helps that at all of the weddings in my husband’s family, he and/or his brother and/or cousin(s) play DJ or jam out as the band (they were the band at our wedding) and always have an uncanny sense of how to keep a party rocking.
We went to a wedding this weekend for one of my hubby’s cousins, and this one did not disappoint. In fact, it was especially fun because not only did I get to dance and enjoy the music, but I got to watch Miss have her first taste of the wedding reception dance floor. It took her a little while to warm up, but once she did it was just fantastic to watch her.
At first she didn’t want to get down on the floor. She was very puzzled by all the dancing people around her and just wanted to observe what was going on. She danced with Momma.
Then she got down on the floor, but was still a bit reserved. She just hung around close to my legs and continued to watch for a bit.

And finally, pure dancing joy.
She had so much fun. She loved the music. She loved watching the dancing. She loved doing the dancing. And by the end of the night she was so tired she was just running all over the dance floor, I think to keep herself from falling down and passing out in exhaustion. It was a blast. It is so amazing to me every day to watch her do and experience new things. And P.S., my girl’s got some killer moves!
OMG! Aunt Mag is fall down laughing!! So cute!!!
Dang, do you think she gets her sense of rhythm from me?
Hahaha!!! She’s so funny!!!
oy mh goodness amy! she is sooo cute! i totally agree…she does have some killer moves!!
HILARIOUS! And you look SOOOO good! Love the shoes
Honestly, Theen — I have read and re-read this post 4 times and I laugh out loud each time!! The story with pictures is priceless! You need to teach Miss this one, my personal favorite… Doo, doo, doo, doo… doo-doo, doo-doo HALF-TIME!