I promise I will go back to blogging about stuff other than homeschooling very soon, but this week, it has pretty much been all-homeschool-all-the-time in my brain, so I’m needing to tell everyone how we did. Ready?
Ahem. We crushed it.
The week was fantastic.
The curriculum was very easy to follow and implement.
The girls loved the workbox system.
They are crazy about the Star Wars workbooks that I work into their workboxes in between their “real” work.
(When proofreading, I realized how many times I used the word “work” in that ^^ sentence. I started to edit, but then decided I enjoy the fact that it is used four times in there, with four different meanings. I’m leaving it.)
We did a science experiment.
We did an art project.
I let my kids use Sharpies, and we all made it out unscathed (including our clothes and furniture).
We learned about Mother Teresa (her feast day is tomorrow).
Miss developed an intense interest in Japan.
We read and discussed the Gospel for this Sunday, as well as most of them from the Mass readings for the week.
We memorized a Bible verse (Psalm 1:1). They did much better at this than I did. Even Sis has it down.
It was so fun.
We even named our little school after our patron saints. I had the idea the night before our first day that I was going to ask the girls to choose a patron saint for our school for the year. I worried a bit that introducing this might be a big disaster. I suspected they would fight over which saint we should choose. To my surprise, they came to an agreement almost immediately. When I first asked whom we should choose, Sis said, “Saint Joseph.” Miss said, “That’s exactly what I was just going to say!” Lass said, “Mary.” I said, “How about the Holy Family?” They said, “Yeah!”
So we are now Holy Family Academy.
I’m kind of feeling like Super Homeschool Mom. I’m having an “I need a cape” moment (these are few and far between, so I’m making the most of it).
Of course, it wasn’t perfect, by any stretch. There were a few tense moments. Even a few tears, because Lass has a hard time understanding that she isn’t supposed to do things perfectly when she is learning them, like cutting an oval shape. I repeated many times things like: “You don’t have to be perfect, you’re just learning,” and “It takes practice to get good at new skills,” and “In our school it’s okay to make mistakes. That’s how we learn.” And so on and so on. She still had a meltdown over the fact that her ovals were a bit angular.
I also need to streamline my process for prepping the next day’s work in the evenings and filling the girls’ workboxes. I think I spent at least an hour each night doing this, and that’s just not sustainable. I’m working on making it smoother, doing some of the prep work for the next day as the girls are finishing up their current day activities, and finding other ways to be more efficient. I’m hoping this will get faster as I get more familiar with the curriculum and once we are in a more user-friendly space after we move.
And speaking of user-friendly spaces, I learned that, although I really like having individual desks for the girls, I also like having the big table in the middle to use when we’re doing work together at the start of the day and when we do experiments and art projects. So we’ll probably be making room for the big table in our school room (we inherited a new dining room table from my in-laws).
So much packed into the first week.
Do you want to know my favorite part about the whole thing? I could watch my girls growing closer to each other through our work together and their helping each other.
I know that sounds crazy after just one week, but I swear they’re kinder to and closer to each other today than they were last Friday. They’re complimenting each other, they’re helping each other, they’re playing Star Wars together so nicely!
I’m feeling more connected with them too.
The house is a mess and my meal planning has gone to heck, but today it all feels so worth it.
This is awesome!!! Bookmark your post for down the road and things are going not quite as swimmingly.
Haha! Yeah, I’m sure that post will be coming in the not too distant future!