I am always looking for new items to make my life easier and keep my girls safe. I’ve mentioned some items here. Of course, I love my cloth diapers. I love my mommy gadgets. My husband calls me a Mommy Gear Head. Recently I’ve found a great new resource for items and information for child safety. It’s called My Precious Kid. It’s an online store. It’s a blog. And I get updates from their Facebook page with great safety and product information. It’s a great resource, so I wanted to share it.
I am currently in need of new carseats for my girls. Although she’s two, I keep Miss in a rear-facing carseat because it is safer in the event of an accident. I currently have her in a Britax Boulevard. A very well-rated seat both in terms of safety and from parents. Except that my husband and I hate this seat. It is so hard to pull the strap to get it tight enough, and it’s super cumbersome for my hubby to lug around in airports when we travel. Recently, the strap that comes up between Miss’s legs that we pull to get the shoulder harness tight enough has started to fray. I could have put up with an annoying seat, but now I don’t feel comfortable with the safety of this seat, so I am getting a new one. I’m thinking about getting a Sunshine Radian (not sure yet which model). My Precious Kid carries these here. The fold up, so they’re less cumbersome when traveling, and they also have great safety ratings. Anyone have one of these? I’d love to hear what folks think of them who have used them. Make sure you check out My Precious Kid for other great stuff and valuable info!
I have a couple in my car seat stash. They are really nice seats just very very heavy! We also have a Britax Boulevard and I love them both equally, the Radian is harder to install though. I would contact Britax about the fraying harness. One thing I would say is I don’t think they would be any easier to take through the airport with you since they are so heavy. (and not much easier to tighten the strap on either, I don’t adjust unless needed since it’s not very easy) LMK if you have any other questions!
Thanks Kelli! I did a side-by-side comparison at The Lullaby Shop of the Radian with the new version of the Boulevard, and we went with another Boulevard, for a lot of the reasons you mentioned! The new Boulevard design is much easier to tighten and the way it is designed I don’t think it will fray like the other one did, so we’re happy. And we got the cow print, so Miss is excited to get into her “Big Girl Cow Seat” now
Thanks for the info!
Just saw this, my Lilly rides in a cow seat too!
My boys have 3 cow seats (2 new versions, 1 old)! We love them… We don’t tighten unless necessary either. It makes it slightly harder to get into because the arms are quite tight for Cade to get his arms through… but it isn’t that bad. I wonder what was up with the old harness fraying? Thats crazy because the seat wasn’t that old. I would contact them about getting a new one just incase you need to use the old seat for some reason.