I had a ball in Hobby Lobby today. Maybe it was the warm up of the weather (almost 40 degrees and sunny, woohoo!! Melt snow, melt!), but I was all about getting started on some spring projects today. I also bought a few Easter decorations for the first time ever. I’m not too into bunnies and eggs and pastel colors, but in the interest of making it fun for Miss, I did buy some of each, plus an Easter basket to stuff with fun gifts from the Easter Bunny for her and to give her a receptacle for the eggs she finds on her hunt on Easter morning. I’m so looking forward to that.
But back to my projects. I have been looking for a cute growth chart for Miss’s room for some time and have not been able to find one that I don’t find obnoxious either in the color scheme, design, or both. So, what better to do than make one myself? I bought some canvas, some dowels and little caps for the ends of the dowels, some gesso, paint, brushes, and stencils (I’m not very talented in the drawing/painting department, so a little help is needed, call it cheating if you wish), and I’m all set to go to make a fabulous growth chart that will match the decor of her room. I also bought some white gros grain ribbon to use to hang the growth chart.
This brings me to my second project. My mom made Miss a gorgeous quilt for her birthday. I am planning to hang it on the wall behind her crib. So, I got enough of the gros grain ribbon to make ties at the top of the quilt to hang it on the wall. Now this weekend I just have to get my hubby to help me rearrange Miss’s room so the crib will be in a better spot to make it and the quilt the focal point of the room. Then hubby also will be encouraged to put together the new bookshelf I bought for Miss’s room and put up the hanging shelf over the changing table and I can accessorize and finally get her room totally finished! Just in time to find out Baby’s gender so we can start getting that room done.
Third project is to make a duvet cover and draperies for the master bedroom. I have been looking for a duvet and curtains that I like for months and just cannot find anything. I have found some gorgeous fabrics from Calico Corners and have been wanting something like it. There is nothing for sale already made that is like what I want, so I am just going to order the fabric and make it myself. Thus, I bought the perfect Simplicity pattern set today with patterns for a duvet, tab-top drapes, and shams if I choose to make them as well.
Now all I need is to get myself moving!! I will post photos as each project gets completed!
LOL- I love how you say “Hubby will be encouraged”! How positive
Can’t wait to see pictures. I was thinking about making B a growth chart too- hmm, wonder where that idea came from?!