Today was both a lazy and productive day. It was more productive than lazy I suppose, but we did have some family down-time during the ACC Championship basketball game. Duke (our team) played Georgia Tech for the championship. It was a pretty ugly game, but Duke was victorious and we were happy. We had fun all sitting on the floor playing with Miss and her newly discovered and loved stuffed animals. She has previously been fairly oblivious to her stuffed animals, once in a while maybe jumping on one with a bear hug, but for the most part ignoring them. Lately she has been playing a lot with her stuffies. In particular, she loves to carry several of them around with her. She will carry and/or drag any of them that are small enough to be carried, but she especially loves her beanie kitty and beanie bear. These are just the right size for her to carry one in each hand. Today she especially seemed to enjoy snuggling with her stuffies and sitting in her “Daddy chair” where she reclined in the crook of my husband’s armpit as he lounged on the floor with her. I wish I had taken a picture, but I was just soaking in the family time and, honestly being too lazy to get up and get my camera!
But, there was lots of productivity today too! A few posts ago I mentioned the projects I wanted to get finished before finding out Baby’s gender and getting to work on his or her room. One of the first things I wanted to do was to finally finish Miss’s room. Now you may wonder why in the world her room is just getting finished when she’s nearly 13 months old. Well, let me explain. When she was born we were living in a rental house while we were searching for the perfect house to buy. We did have a completed nursery for her in that house, that I had put together in my nesting phase before she was born. Miss was about 3 months old when we moved to our current house. I got her room set up nicely, but we didn’t really have it finished or get anything put up on the walls because the walls were green and we needed to wait until we could get her room painted. We finally did that this past fall. Since then I don’t really have a great reason that her room didn’t get done. But in the past several months I have put up a few things on her walls, found a bookcase and gotten Hubby to put it together, and finally made a decision about whether to change the furniture arrangement in the room or not (the decision was to change it). So, here we have the before and after photos. The room still needs a few touches. I need a couple more items to put up on the walls, though I haven’t found what I want yet. I also need to put up the growth chart when that gets done. That will go next to the new bookshelf, which you can see below. So see what you think!
This is view from the door into Miss’s room
Kind of blah. No good focal point (except the adorable baby of course!).
Much better! In case you missed this in my earlier post, my mom made that quilt for Miss.
The wall across from the window.

Not too much different, but the addition of the shelf with the pegs to hang Miss’s tiny crocheted sweater and antique baby spoon from my mom, plus her initial letters on the shelf (they’re hard to see in this photo, but they’re there) add a lot to this part of the room.
This is the wall adjacent to the door into the room.
So much better with the bookcase! The growth chart will go between the bookcase and the door.
And speaking of the growth chart, here’s the first stage of work on it. I got the gesso on the canvas today and the dowels have been painted. Now I just have to cut it to the size I need, get crafty with my paints, attach the dowels at the top and bottom and put the ribbon on to hang it.
As for the other project, my big sewing effort for the master bedroom, I have been ordering and comparing fabric swatches. I think I’ve decided on the fabric for the duvet, but the swatch I got was so small I had to order a yard of fabric to see if the colors and pattern are really what I want. So, I’m making some progress there too. The fabric should be here tomorrow or Tuesday at the latest. I can’t wait!
Such great progress, Amy! The room looks wonderful!