Tuesday the 24th, our precious Lass arrived. She is so worth the wait.
She was 10 lbs, 7 oz and 21 inches of perfect baby girl. She gave us a bit of a scare, because she wasn’t breathing very well when she was first born. Turns out she just had some extra amniotic fluid in her lungs and stomach that she needed to get out, but they took her to the nursery for the first few hours of her life to monitor her and check everything out. She quickly rebounded and is perfectly fine now. Here she is getting ready to go home, with Big Sister supervising.

First family photos.
Immediately upon coming into the hospital room, Miss made a beeline for Lass and said, “Baby??” She was fascinated by her right away and barely even gave me a notice as she went to see her new sister. She is very intrigued by the things Lass does, like yawning, which Miss has to point out and imitate each time she sees it.

Miss also insisted on wearing her baby sister’s hat. She pranced around very proudly once she got Grandma to put it on.
And she wanted to try to sit in the infant carseat.
She watched intently while I got Lass dressed to go home.
She was already trying to help by getting me a burp cloth.
Miss adores her sister.
I can’t believe how Miss seemed to grow up overnight to me. She suddenly just seems so big. I am thrilled with how she has responded to her sister, always asking to touch and hug and kiss her. She truly looks distressed when she hears Lass crying and points it out to me every time, “Baby crying!” She is very interested in helping me with her sister and has been extra snuggly with her. I am so proud of my big girl.
By the way, I was able to have a successful medication-free VBAC delivery. It was quite an experience. I’ll tell that story another day. Today is for introducing our two new girls, Lass and Miss – The Big Sister. They have filled our hearts with joy.
precious! I think Lass and Miss look alike especially in that 2nd to last pic. You have 2 beautiful little ladies!
Congrats! The girls are adorable
OMG! That is the cutest chubby baby ever! You look amazing after giving birth! Beautiful family!