A couple of days ago, I had a moment of mom-panic. I realized in a rush, while looking at my son playing with the books I had placed in his playpen with him, that I had hardly read any books to him in his short life. He has books in his little area that he likes to chew on, but I had not sat down with him and actually cracked the cover to read said books to him.
I promptly pulled him onto my lap and read Where is Baby’s Bellybutton?, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, and The Ear Book to him. Then I took him up to his room to grab some more books.
My son is almost nine months old. Yesterday I read Goodnight Moon to him for the first time.
Yes. You read that right. I was kind of horrified to realize my neglect of such an important thing.
We read aloud a lot here. Really. A. Lot.
Every day, I am reading aloud books to the girls for school. I sometimes read books over breakfast and/or lunch. We listen to audiobooks in the car. We have a family read aloud we do a chapter from almost every night before bed (currently working our way through the Chronicles of Narnia).
My dear little boy has heard many, many books read aloud. But until yesterday, I didn’t even realize that I wasn’t sitting down and reading just to him, the sweet board books that I read over, and over, and over to his sisters. They are all neatly lined up on his shelf in his bedroom. I hadn’t read any of them with him. My girls have read him a few, but not me.
I was recently feeling a little guilty because of thinking that my youngest daughter might be getting cheated a bit on picture books, since most of our read alouds these days are chapter books. We do still read picture books, just maybe not quite as much as we did when they were all littler, and none were quite ready for books like Redwall or Where the Mountain Meets the Moon.
So I’ve been trying to bring in some more picture books for her benefit.
But her baby brother, bless his little heart, has really been neglected as far as reading goes.
And of course, he wasn’t the only one missing out. When I picked up Goodnight Moon yesterday and sat down to rock him while reading it before his nap, I felt like I had come home to the sweetest, most comfortable place… That old book, as annoying as it sometimes got after the tenth time in one night, brings back so many precious memories. Of course, I can still recite it by heart. Of course I still have the same tempo and inflection to my voice that I used every time before. Of course he grabbed the pages and tried to eat them, and I still powered through to the end.
“Goodnight noises everywhere.”
How many times have I read that? I had forgotten about the rip on the binding that makes the pages open funny on the “Goodnight Room” page. But I still knew every word and every illustration like the back of my hand. I think I could be eighty and still recite those favorite words.
And there are so many more favorite books that I haven’t read in years: I Love You Stinkyface. The Napping House. Dr. Seuss’s ABC.
Reading to my babies was always one of my very favorite things to do. It still is.
I have a lot of catching up to do.
You’re not alone
I’m certain my oldest got way more individual reading time. Good Night Moon has just made a reappearance here as well 
I’m glad to know I’m not the only one!
I just took my 6th to the doctor for his 2 month appointment he was fascinated by the mobile. The nurse asked if we had one because he loved it and my husband and I both looked at each other with a guilty grin. No, he doesn’t have a mobile because we haven’t even set up his room yet. The bedding, decor, and crib (unassembled of course) have been sitting in his room since I was 7 months pregnant but that’s as far as we got. These poor later children will never be under the illusion that the world revolves around them.