We had a fun play date today at a place called Wild Air. It’s one of those indoor play places with the inflatable things for the kids to bounce and slide on. I was so excited that Miss would love it, since one of her favorite things about her gymnastics class is bouncing on the trampolines. Unfortunately, the noise of the fans constantly blowing air into the inflatables kind of freaked her out to start, and she refused to go into any of them. Instead she played with some of the other random toys they had around.
(Please excuse the poor quality of these photos. Though my husband bought me a great new camera bag so I can take my camera along with me more easily now, I have a bad habit of forgetting it, which I did today. So, all of these photos were taken on my phone. With it’s slow shutter speed, almost all photos of a toddler are necessarily blurry. But that’s life with a toddler, so I’m posting them anyway.)

The first 300 times she went down it she insisted on holding my hand. Finally she started going down by herself, and the first 10 or so times she did it by herself she jumped up and down yelling, “Yay!! I did it!” So. Cute.

Lass hung out in my Ergo carrier most of the morning. Apparently I’m not very good at taking photos of her when she’s suspended on my torso.

She kept climbing up the ramp to this bouncy inflatable but wouldn’t go in at first. She kept sitting at the entrance saying, “You do it!”

Eventually she did go inside and even jumped around a bit. She seemed to enjoy it, though she was still a bit timid about it and never stayed in there for any length of time.

And that was it. She would only go into two of the many inflatable play areas available to her. But I still think she had a blast. And I had a great time meeting up with my friend, whose little boy is only a few days older than Miss. We tried to get a photo of the two of them together.

Those are such adorable pictures, it looks like such a wonderful time! I wanted to let you know I had to make some changes on my blog and I have a new button if you want to replace the one of mine you have on now, and I can’t thank you enough for putting it on there! I basically just changed the blog to match the Etsy shop..I have a giveaway going on now too for a 20$ credit to my shop that you can enter http://keepinitthriftyandrea.blogspot.com/2011/02/sew-chic-designs-giveaway.html and my blog address is the same, http://sew-chic-designs.blogspot.com/
I am not that great at graphics yet so this is my first attempt at one with the new design lol..stop by and enter the giveaway