It was great to hear all about what she has been doing in school and to see how thorough they are in their assessments of her. And it was pretty cool to hear someone else describe her spot-on and know how much time and attention she must get there for them to be able to really “get” her so well. I loved when they told me how much she likes to sing at the top of her lungs and to shake it when they dance.
No one needs to tell me how much my girls love to dance and that they’ve got some moves.
Miss got new ballet shoes yesterday. The ones I got her for her Halloween costume had cut into her little heels and one shoe had totally split on the side from being worn so much, so I told her she couldn’t wear those anymore. She was so upset and asked repeatedly for them for several days. When I pulled out the new shoes yesterday, I was relieved to find that she loves these just as much even though they’re a different style. She immediately asked, “Momma, can you play some music so I can ballet dance?” So I did. The Cure.
I got a question in a comment about organizing photos, related to my last post about taking at least one photo a day. Unfortunately, I’m not really great about organizing my photos. Mostly I just dump them into iPhoto. I do “flag” my favorites when I’m going through and editing them, which is how I select the pics I’m going to upload to a blog post or use for something else. Just in the past few days with the start of this new project I have begun putting photos into folders by month, so I will have a little bit better organization of them that way. I also have set a goal to start deleting photos a little bit more so I won’t have such an overwhelming mass of pictures. And few years ago I set a goal to make photo books for each of my girls for each year of their lives. Unfortunately, I’ve only completed Miss’s first year book. So making the rest of the books needs to become a priority, and I’m hoping to get my photos more organized that way too. I will make folders for each girl, each year in my iPhoto in addition to making the books. That’s it. I don’t have a great system yet. Anyone else have a good way of organizing digital photos?
Since I started blogging and put all my photos on my blog, I decided to just get a book made from my blog. That way it has all the photos and all the journaling about the photos all there already. It’s not cheap, but it’s VERY easy (just Google “book from Blogger blog” to find a site).