I have been on a bit of an interesting journey the past few months.
An intense curiosity has awakened in me. I am reading and researching all things religion. I’m wondering why? and how? and who says? and what??
I’m finding answers that surprise me. I’ve learned a lot about Catholicism in particular. I’ve realized that many of my beliefs regarding what Catholicism is about were wrong.
Shocking, right? I wonder when the fact that I don’t know everything is going to stop surprising me.
Just kidding.
It all started when I had a brief crisis and thought that I was never going to go into the Catholic Church again.
At the time I realized that I actually liked going to our Catholic Church, and I learned more about it, and my little crisis was resolved, and it was all cool and everything.
Then I was criticized by another blogger for the reasons that I like going to our Catholic Church, which made me think about those reasons, and question myself and everything all over again, and come to like Catholicism even more.
And it just went on from there.
I’m reading, and web searching, and praying, and everything has gotten crazy in my spiritual self. Crazy in a good way.
So. Some news:
My husband and I met with the priest at the Catholic church we attend in order to formally become members of the parish this week. Big step.
I have scheduled the baptism of all three of my girls for early September. Even bigger step.
Never in my life would I have imagined that I would attend a Catholic church.
A year ago I would have scoffed at the idea.
And I surely would have laughed out loud if you had told me I would be signing up for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).
(That’s the class that adults take to convert to Catholicism.)
Me, Catholic?
No. Way.
At least, that would have been my response a year ago.
A year ago, the idea of attending a Catholic church and baptizing my children Catholic would have seemed extremely unlikely.
The thought that I would convert to Catholicism myself would have seemed impossible.
About as likely as being able to jump over a rainbow.
At the beginning of September I will be starting a process of attending class every Monday night until Easter in order to become Catholic.
Huge. Leap.
I am so thankful my parents taught me to love finding out about what I don’t know. To have an open mind and willing heart. And for some special people who have made me think and helped me learn (thanks Hubby and Super Friend and Baba).
I’m excited and a little nervous.
I’m happy so happy for you! Hugs!
I love reading your blog! I’m a catholic mama as well. It’s so encouraging to read about another catholic mom! Sometimes I feel my friends are a little harsh with their criticism of Catholicism and your blog is so encouraging to me!! Thank you!
You’re so welcome. I am happy to hear that it is encouraging. Thank you for your kind words.
I grew up Catholic
I have been horrible about attending mass though since I moved from Seattle. I’m glad that you have found a place at church where you feel you belong. I remember your other post and you just have to let people’s negative comments slide off your back. They don’t know you and most of the time when people are being negative it’s because something is lacking in their own life.
Congratulations and welcome!!!
Thank you!
I must confess, I saw this link on Facebook yesterday and have since read all your posts tagged religion. Your humble yet courageous faith is admirable. Thanks for sharing!
Fabulous blog.
Thank you Liz. That means a lot.