though he is not terribly happy with their choice of teams. So far Miss has expressed her preference for “Go Blue.”
For the record, when I bought these shirts for the girls, I wasn’t in search of Michigan wear. I was shopping online for a few things for Miss for school and I happened to see these on Old Navy’s website. I actually did look for Iowa shirts on there too (I’m not entirely sure I would have bought them, but I did look). No Iowa shirts at Old Navy.
And in case anyone was wondering, when Michigan and Iowa play each other in a few weeks, the girls will be wearing neutral clothing. Maybe I’ll just dress them in Maize-colored shirts, since both teams share that color.
We try to keep our rivalry all in good fun around here. But I have to admit I was very excited that Miss burst out singing the Michigan fight song, completely unprovoked, in Target a few weeks ago.
Whichever team our girls choose to root for (it’ll probably end up to be the Badgers anyway…), we still all love to watch football together. And they love to be outside with their Daddy.
They don’t mind getting dirty or playing a little rough. Miss loves to try to climb trees.
Yesterday we were taking a look at a house on the water. Miss went out on the dock with her Daddy, and when he told her it was time to leave she said, “No, I want to fish. I don’t want to go!” My hubby will teach them to fish and even to hunt if they are interested. Miss had her first archery lesson yesterday.
I was really bothered the other day when Miss was looking out the window, watching my hubby shoot his bow. She said something like, “If I was a boy, I could shoot like Daddy.”
I was quite upset by this statement, and puzzled, because I have never said anything like this to her, nor have I heard anyone else make such a statement to her or in her presence. So I don’t know where she came up with the idea that she would have to be a boy in order to shoot a bow, or do anything else.
We will always teach all of our girls that they can do or be whatever they want, if they work hard.
And they will learn to do all sorts of fun things with their Dad.
So definitely don’t feel badly for my husband. A few people have made comments like, “Oh how exciting that you’re having another girl! But your poor husband!” Of course, they mean this with all good intentions and kindness. But, hell no he’s not poor! To quote a song by Greg Brown: my husband is “a man who’s rich in daughters.” Yes, we are very rich indeed.
CONGRATULATIONS to you, Ben, Miss, and Lass!!! I’m so thrilled for you guys! You’ve gotta be so excited. I actually LOVE having the same gender children. They inevitably have similar interests, love the same toys and games (which can be both good AND bad haha), and they make the best of playmates. It’s a pretty safe bed (at this point, anyways) that whatever game, activity, movie, or book we pick out, they both tend to love it.
And even though I have boys, they still love to pick out their clothes and have fun playing “dress up” every morning with their cute button-up collared shirts and coordinating chinos. Wonder where they got their preference for being all “matchy-matchy” with their clothes from….?
Congrats! That is awesome news! We can’t wait to meet her.
Also love the new layout – I am jealous.
Congrats! That is awesome news! We can’t wait to meet her.
Also love the new layout – I am jealous!
Tell Ben I can hook you up with some Iowa shirts from Old Navy… even an Iowa State one if you’d like! Haha!
Loved those Meeeeeechigan shirts! And I am thrilled for you that a little Sis is on the way! The Michigan fight song in three-part harmony would sound great!
Love to all,