This is going to be my first ever post linking up with the lovely Hallie’s Five Favorites series.
I know that you have all been on pins and needles waiting to hear from me on an important topic: My Beauty Secrets (those of you who know me in real life, please stop laughing). I know you’re eager to hear me weigh in on this. Never mind that I wear yoga pants nearly every day, have no idea how to apply eye shadow, and spend months at a time in desperate need of a lip waxing. This here is important stuff, and Five Favorites is just the way to share it with you all.
So here they are, my five favorite beauty products:
Ava Anderson shampoo and conditioner.
These don’t necessarily leave my hair feeling or smelling or looking extra awesome, but they’re completely free of harmful chemicals and that makes me feel good. All of the Ava Anderson products are. My sweet friend Holley is one of their consultants, and she turned me on to the company. You can get the products here.
Maybelline cover stick in yellow.
It has to be the yellow one. I have terrible dark circles under my eyes. I’ve tried many different products in different shades to try to cover them up. This cover stick is the only thing that does it without looking bizarre.
Cetaphil stuff.
We use the soap and the lotion here. Miss has very sensitive skin and this is the only stuff that keeps it from reacting. Just using other types of hand soap when we go to other places can give her a rash on her little hands, but the Cetaphil lotion clears it right up. And I like it for myself too.
Unfortunately I am scarred by the images that came up on Google when I was looking for one to use in this post. Apparently lots of other people use this stuff for some, um, pretty severe skin problems?
I wear these a lot since I got bangs cut. It probably won’t surprise you to know that I sometimes don’t really feel like doing my hair. Or sometimes I just can’t seem to make it look right. So I grab one of these and clip the bangs over to the side so they won’t bug me all day.
Not only are they fun, but they actually work better than any other barrettes I’ve tried on my super thick hair (I did actually try to buy some plain brown “adult-ish” barrettes to use at first instead of pilfering the girls’ stash, but they didn’t work worth a darn).
Burt’s Bees Pomegranate Lip Balm
I don’t like to wear lipstick, I’m addicted to chapstick, and I like having a little bit of color on my lips. Also, I don’t like chapstick that feels sticky or too thick. This stuff is perfect. I keep one of those ^^ in my bathroom, one in my kitchen, and one in my wallet at all times.
And now you know all the essentials for hair, skin, face, and lips. Amazing stuff, yes?
To see more posts from people with favorite things, go here.
Yep, Maybelline yellow cover stick… (you obviously have genetically-passed dark circles from the Mother’s side). Auntie has them too! Ugh! Who’d have thunk yellow would cover? I used to use light beige cover stick, but looked like a surprised raccoon once I put on my eyebrows!
That’s my must have… eyebrows! Maybelline eyebrow powder – NOT pencil. Much softer… goes well with the soft glow of yellow cover stick!
Love you!
You and my mom with your non-existent eyebrows!! Mine are like a jungle