“…there is something holy, something divine hidden in the most ordinary situations, and it is up to each one of you to discover it.” St. Josemaria Escriva, Passionately Loving the World
One half hour in our yard last night.
After our parish’s fish fry. Before bedtime.
It kind of didn’t feel very ordinary, since one week before, our temperatures were still below freezing, and it was dark at this time of the evening. But playing in the yard with the girls really is quite an ordinary thing, of course.
And last night it was ordinary, and funny, and beautiful, and holy.
She brought me three rocks and some sticks. Then she drew me a picture.
The big girls couldn’t resist the last bit of snow,
But they were pretty quick to move on to other things. I think they’re more than ready to be done with winter too.
I could have watched them playing all day.
Miss found a ball in the yard that lit up when she threw it. She called it her “Sensor Ball” and insisted that when she threw it, it always sensed and then led her to find things in the yard that were “odd.” Like sticks. And acorns. And rocks. Odd.
She was so excited about it.
It was the same thing over and over.
The wind up and throw.
The chase.
And the excited announcement of what the “Sensor Ball” led her to.
In this case, “A bee wing!” AKA a small leaf.
It was the most lovely, magical, ordinary evening. The kind of evening where you can really sense the presence of God if you’re open to it. I did my very best to embrace it thoroughly.
We’re about halfway through Lent, so I still have a few more weeks of hosting this link up for Gina. I’d love to hear what ordinary situations you have been embracing this week. Add your post or Instagram link below!

So sweet!
Hi, Amy! I’ve popped in here off and on, but this is my first comment! (and now I’ve got your on my blog roll
I loved these photos! They conveyed these “magical, ordinary” moments so perfectly! I’m so grateful that God gives us those moments – when it’s easy to see that His hand is in our lives and that what He’s given us is good!
I’ve sort of been a non-blogger lately, but I hope I’ll have a chance to link up with you before Lent is over
Thanks Theresa! I’m so grateful for those moments too. It amazes me that I used to enjoy those moments without ever noticing God in them before my conversion. I would love it if you joined in the link-up too!
Hi there. What sweet pictures. My post is not specifically about embracing the ordinary, but it is about the joy of an ordinary old sick day with my youngest. I love this link up. Thanks for hosting.
I loved your post! What a perfect example of embracing the ordinary