Holy week is anything but ordinary. It is the most beautiful and powerful week of the year.
“…there is something holy, something divine hidden in the most ordinary situations, and it is up to each one of you to discover it.” St. Josemaria Escriva, Passionately Loving the World
I found myself trying to explain its magnitude to my children so many times, hoping that they are understanding at least a little bit of it. I think they do. We went to the Good Friday Mass last night for the first time, which was haunting and lovely. At the point of the Mass when we kneel and stand repeatedly during prayers for various people and groups, the deacon chanted “Let us kneel” for the third or fourth time, and Sis loudly said, “He keeps doing that!” I quickly shushed her while trying not to chuckle, and found myself smiling at this shot of ordinary mothering in the midst of an extraordinary ritual.
Then my girls all took off their shoes as we went up together to reverence the cross. Touching that cross and seeing their little hands on it. . . It was impossible to hold back all of the tears in those short moments and after we returned to our seats to wait and watch the rest of the parishioners do the same.
As we waited solemnly, my girls saw some of their friends coming up to reverence the cross themselves, and they started jumping up and down and waving and trying to update them on the news that Miss’s first tooth is loose (my husband told me later that Miss was attempting to solicit a dental consult from our oral surgeon friend). Again we shushed them, but I was reminded that they are small and they cannot possibly fully comprehend the significance of the service and the day.
They get it, but they are little. Loose teeth and fairy houses are important too. Those are the things that make up the ordinary amidst the extraordinary in these mothering days.
Ordinary moments in the middle of this amazing week.
Today is Holy Saturday, the day of the Easter Vigil Mass. Naturally I am thinking back to last year, when I was baptized and confirmed, and received Holy Communion for the first time.
I’m sponsoring another woman who is entering the Church tonight. I’m so excited for her and for all those who will do the same this evening.
Today I’m focusing on waiting and on praying for all the new members of our Church.
And on enjoying all the little moments with my family.
I hope you all have a happy and blessed Easter.
Thanks to Gina for the opportunity to host this link up during Lent. This will be my last time hosting, and next week you can find the link up back on her blog.
Share your ordinary moments below!

Gosh, Amy! I totally dropped the ball on joining this awesome link-up! So Sorry! But I loved your posts and this one! So amazing y’all were able to get to Good Friday Mass. We were all sick or on the mend with something. And my youngest had an allergic reaction that has given him hives on and off since Wed (Lord, help my nerves!). Anywho, all that aside, Easter was more blessed than I could of imagined and I’m so grateful. We had many memories and missing all Triduum Masses made Easter Sunday Mass just so much more beautiful filled with all the tears and moments I never knew were coming. <3 Love how He works that way. So glad yours was so lovely!
Thanks, Amanda. I’m sorry you all were sick! I’m so glad you had a beautiful Easter though