Our elf, Christopher Pop-In-Kins, left our house last night, leaving behind a note and the movie, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas.” I told the girls they could watch their new movie after baths, just before getting ready for Santa and going to bed.
They were anxiously awaiting baths all day!
To kill some time before naps this afternoon, they helped Daddy make sausage, while rocking out to some Christmas music.
Today we avoided Rudolph, but they love to dance to the Charlie Brown theme song (to my chagrin they like my husband’s favorite Christmas music better than my Johnny Mathis Christmas… for now anyway).
They helped their Dad start to make brats before heading up for naps, all the while asking how much longer until baths and movie.
Finally, after naps, after dinner, after baths, they got to settle in with milk and cookies on fancy plates to watch their new movie.
My favorite part of the day came after the movie. We got treats together for Santa and his reindeer.
The girls dictated a precious “Thank you” note and signed their own names.
The very best time tonight was story time. We snuggled in to read many, many of our Christmas books tonight. Of course we started with “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas,” but followed that with several more favorites.
I think I was as excited as they were when I put them to bed.
And then of course, there was this:
The bane of all parents of little girls on Christmas Eve – The Dollhouse.
Oh, but what a dollhouse!
It will be the perfect home for the “Big Snow Whites” that my girls have been asking for for over a month now. The ladies are in the stockings just waiting to bring joy to my two eldest girls in the morning. Baby Sis’s stocking holds Prince Charming
I can’t wait for the morning.
I had a hard time thinking of anything I wanted for myself this Christmas. Truly, there isn’t much that is material in nature that I want or need.
I have three beautiful, healthy children and a truly wonderful, amazing husband. Tomorrow I hope to see their faces light with joy when they open their gifts.
More than that, I hope all year to give them my love in such a way that they always know it, can see it, can feel it no matter what. To me, Christmas is about love and family. We’ve got that.
In the morning we will open plenty of presents. We will have gift wrap flying everywhere. We will have little girls oohing and aaahing and probably squealing a bit over their gifts. We will have a traditional breakfast and stay in pajamas all morning. We will play and probably watch a Christmas movie or two. We might listen to Rudolph or other Christmas music.
We will have all of these things. But most of all, we will will have lots of love. Everything else is just gravy.
May you have a Christmas filled with love.
What precious photos you capture, Amy! You’re quite a photographer and writer! I can’t tell you how much you look like your Mother….especially your expressions! It’s so much fun following your lifetime moments. What keepsakes your children will have to reflect on!
Again….”Merry Christmas” ……Chad and Linda xxx