My Cloth Story, Part 1

I was so intrigued by cloth diapers while pregnant with Miss. I really wanted to try them. But I did not, for two main reasons. First of all, we were living in a very yucky rental house with terrible hard water. The water itself was stinky. It was nearly ruining our regular clothes. Ben’s workout clothes (and mine too if I’m completely honest) came out still stinking of sweat, and I just didn’t believe it could possibly get dirty diapers clean. Second, I was truly overwhelmed by all the cloth diaper products and the resultant lingo. First, there were the different types of diapers, the All-in-ones (AIOs), All-in-twos (AI2s), pockets, fitteds, contours, prefolds, covers, etc. Then, there were the different materials each of these items might come in, microfiber, hemp, bamboo, fleece, wool, organic bamboo velour (OBV)!! Then there were so many different diaper manufacturers like Bum Genius, Fuzzi Buns, Happy Heinys, Tiny Tush, Hugga Buns. . . and different sites for learning about and purchasing diapers like Hyena Cart, Diaper Pin, Kelly’s Closet. The list goes on and I’m still learning. But when I was pregnant and in the first few months of Miss’s little life, I was way too intimidated by all this to even know where or how to start.

My first effort at compromise and “greenness” in diapering was with the gDiaper. This is kind of a cross between cloth and disposable, with a cloth cover that has a snap-in plastic liner to make it waterproof and biodegradable disposable/flushable inserts. I think the gDiaper is a great idea, but it didn’t work for us. The newborn poo often got all over the cloth cover and the plastic inserts all ended up stained from it. And we didn’t have very good plumbing in the rental house (yeah, it was a dump, don’t even get me started on the furnaces, water heaters, dishwasher, etc.) so I was afraid to flush the inserts. Thus, I never did come up with an efficient clean-up and disposal system. With disposable diapers, everything goes in the diaper pail, then when the bag is full, it goes in the garbage. With cloth, everything goes in the diaper pail with wetbag, then when it’s full it all goes in the wash, bag and all. But with the gDiapers I was putting the inserts and wipes in the diaper pail and not really knowing what to do with the poopy liners and covers. I ended up putting the cloth covers in the laundry and setting the plastic liners in the bathroom sink until I could get a chance to go in and wash them off, then put the in the laundry. Though he never said anything, I’m pretty sure this grossed my husband right out. Plus, the process of putting the inserts in the diaper pail was disgusting since I had a Diaper Champ with the flip top that had the piston-like thing that pushes the diaper down when it is flipped and keeps the stink from getting out. Well, since the gDiaper inserts had no way to wrap them and fasten them to themselves neatly like a disposable diaper, they would typically get poo all over the sides of the Diaper Champ or worse, get stuck in the mechanism and come back around the next time I tried to dispose of one. Needless to say, I quickly became frustrated with the gDiaper and decided that, though gDiapers did a wonderful job of preventing poo leaks onto clothes, the system just wasn’t for us. And we went back to disposables.
Then in May, we moved to our new house. Not only is is beautiful and comfortable with working appliances and plumbing, it has less-hard water and I am easily able to get clothes clean. Thus, I decided that I had adequate equipment to brave the laundering of cloth diapers. I just needed to brave the above mentioned mass of cloth diapering information to decide what diapers to try. And that is a story for another day.

Back in Cloth

I’m so happy to be back from our trip and have Miss back in cloth diapers. The disposables we used for our trip to Louisville were not as bad as I expected. We only had one hideous blowout (I was expecting several). Though when that occurred I found myself saying, “Pshh, my cloth dipes could have handled THAT.” We also had a couple of leaks overnight. Whatever they use in those disposables can’t stand up to hemp! Of course it is convenient to just throw away a dipe when you’re done with it, which is why I took the disposables on the trip in the first place. But other than that, I prefer cloth 100%. They work better, and they’re just so stinkin’ cute! No pun intended. One good thing about going on the trip and using disposables for a few days is that I got all my fluff clean before we left, so my entire stash was clean and waiting when we got back. The picture above shows my stash of pocket dipes, along with Miss in an adorable GAD OBV (that’s a Green Acres Designs diaper with organic bamboo velour for those not familiar with the cloth diapering lingo). Does it get any cuter than that??


I’m home. I had a wonderful weekend visiting with my mom and old friends from graduate school. Visited most of the places I wanted to and found some new spots as well. Miss was a rock star during the travels. She even learned how to wave this weekend and was charming airplane passengers with smiles, giggles, and waves. Louisville is an amazing city. But there really is no place like home. Will post some photos of the trip once I get them uploaded.

Skip to My Lou

Well really, drive-half-an-hour-to-the-airport-hop-a-plane-to-Detroit-hang-out-for-a-two-hour-layover-then-hop-another-plane to My Lou. But either way, by tomorrow evening I will be in Louisville. One of my favorite cities ever. By far my favorite of the cities I’ve lived in. I was there for four years through graduate school at the University of Louisville. And I’m going back for a reunion with many of my girlfriends from those years. It should be a blast. If I can stay up past 10, that is! So many places to visit: The Granville Inn, O’Shea’s, The Outlook (all favorite watering holes from back in the day). Also the Louisville Antique Mall and the Architectural Savage Store are high on the list of spots to go. Thank goodness I’m meeting my mom there. It’s a win-win really. We get to hang out for a long weekend. I get to have an antiquing partner. And she gets to be Grandma with Miss while I try to resurrect some of my past ability to party until the bars closed (at 4 am!!). I’m hoping to make it ’til midnight this time. Much has changed! For the better I must say. I’m looking forward to sharing Lou with my daughter and my mom, and seeing some old friends too.

I Love You Stinky Face

I have “Goodnight Moon.” I have “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?” I have lots of board books that I enjoy reading to Miss. My favorite one though, is “I Love You Stinky Face*”. I bought this book purely because I thought the title was hilarious. But I have discovered that it is just a wonderful little book all around. It is such a fun book to read, and it’s every bit as good for naptime/bedtime reading as “Goodnight Moon.” It’s about a little boy who asks his mother if she would still love him if he were an ape, a skunk, an alligator, a “meat-eating dinosaur,” or an alien, among other things. And of course the book Mama always responds that she would love and take care of him no matter what. My favorite line from the book is “But Mama, But Mama, what if I were a super smelly skunk, and I smelled so bad that my name was ‘Stinky Face’?” As I type it even, I’m hearing the funny inflection that I like to use when reading this aloud. And the book Mama’s reply begins with “Then I would plunk you in a bubble bath.” It’s an adorable book. And Miss seems to love it too. We read it before every nap.

*McCourt, Lisa (author) & Moore, Cyd (Illustrator). (2004). I love you stinky face. New York, Cartwheel.

Travel Weary

We have been traveling a lot the past few weeks. I am tired of travel at this point, but there is only more to come. In May we went to Florida for a week. In June we went to the Farm for a week. In July we visited my family in Kentucky for a week. In August we went to Des Moines for the Iowa State Fair one weekend. Then we spent the week before Labor Day at the Farm again, getting ready for the big Labor Day party with the in-laws. We came back for two-and-a-half days and then left again for the farm to attend a wedding. All of this with a baby of course. Who is teething. She has been a champ though. At 7 months old I think she’s more well-traveled than some adults I know.

Coming up, we have a trip to Louisville for a grad school reunion and visit with Grandma this weekend, then three whole weeks at home before two weekends of back-to-back weddings, one in New Jersey, the other in Iowa, then home for another two weeks before a marathon trip, starting in Florida for a family reunion, then to KY for a week with my family, then to the Farm to join Ben to wrap up his hunting trip there. Then of course more traveling for the holidays. . . Sometimes I wish we just lived close to our families.
Above are a few pics of the most recent travels. Though it has been tiring, we’ve had a great time!


Well, I’m new to this, so please bear with me as I learn how the heck to do it.

My humble vision for this blog is for it to be a way to share life in Wiscy with my family and friends that is more personal than Facebook. Don’t get me wrong. Facebook has it’s place and has served me well for sharing photos and videos of Miss with my loved ones who don’t get to see her on a regular basis. But I am hoping for something more true to our day to day here. Motherhood has certainly made me come to realize, even more than I always have, the importance of maintaining close ties with family. I want my family be able to know my daughter and share the joys of her existence. Since I’m not able to do facilitate that with physical proximity, I’m hoping this will help. Ahh, the wonders of the internet.
Speaking of which, I am pretty intimidated by some of the amazing blog-feats I have seen. I won’t lie, I have some blog-envy. I’m hoping to start with learning how to post photos and link to other blogs, then we’ll see if I can get fancy. All in due time.