7 Posts, 7 Days, Why Not Start It the Same?

In July, I participated in a fun challenge/experiment of posting seven posts in seven days along with lots of other bloggers and Jen from Conversion Diary, who started the whole thing. Well, she’s doing it again. And since she first posted about it about a week ago, I’ve been trying to decide if I’m going to do it again too. And I guess the answer is yes! Why not?

The last time I did this, I started the week with a “blog roll” of sorts. Check out that post here for links to lots of other great blogs that I enjoy reading or visiting for resources (mostly for homeschooling). In that post, I mentioned that I have been meaning to put a blog roll in my side bar like I used to have when I used Blogger. I really have been meaning to! I have even tried to do it several times, but I can’t seem to figure out how in WordPress. Someday maybe I’ll figure it out (or some kind soul will just tell me how to do it). In the meantime, I figured it would be fun to kick off this round of 7 in 7 with another blog roll.


When I looked back at the other post, I was a bit surprised to realize that many of the blogs I was reading last summer are no longer as high on my list of must reads as they were then. I still read most of them from time to time, and Conversion Diary and Camp Patton are still on my list of blogs that I read faithfully. But I have found a bunch of new ones that I’m enjoying too. So, in addition to those linked in the old post, here are some more in case you’re looking for some new reading material (in no particular order).

The Rhodes Log – I just love this. It’s written by Kate who has two littles and is Funny with a capital F. Her comments about starting potty training cracked me up. And then there are posts that aren’t so knee-slapping funny, but just make me smile as a fellow mama of little ones, like this one.

Moxie Wife – I just love reading Hallie’s posts. They are insightful and funny. I seem to see/read lots of tear-jerker stuff on her site.

Everything is Yours – Lovely blog with great insights about faith.

Is There a McDonald’s in Heaven? – This is a blog written by Nella, a mom to six kids. She found out she had Hodgkin’s Lymphoma while pregnant with her 6th child. She’s in remission and has a beautiful baby girl and still writing and I just enjoy reading her stuff. It’s inspiring.

Mama Knows, Honeychild – Okay this blog is just hilarious. I can’t really explain it. Heather writes funny stuff and includes funny drawings. Drawings. Yes. You just have to see for yourself. I just read the latest post and I am crying with laughter over it.

Catholic All Year – I just started reading this one regularly and I really like it.

Amongst Lovely Things – This blog is just beautiful. The photos are beautiful. The writing is beautiful. This mom has six children, three of them under two, and yet she still is able to write things like this and this and this. Amazing.


Finally, two sites I’ve added to those I frequent for homeschooling and family resources and ideas:

Catholic Icing and Shower of Roses

So. I just looked over those, and I’m pretty sure every one of them is written by a Catholic woman, almost all of whom are moms. Huh. I guess that reflects where my interest lies right now! I’d love to hear what you’re reading. Or what you’re writing!