Lass at 6 Months

Look at this angel face.

I could just stare and stare at my beautiful littler Little.

She is such a good-natured baby. She is mellow and happy and sweet. Much of the time she’s just content to hang out and observe the world around her.

She does have a bit of a temper, but unless she’s hungry or tired, she can be soothed pretty easily.

She’s starting to show her personality and curiosity more and more.

She smiles and laughs a lot and is just starting to babble a little. “Mamamamamama” is the little babble she does so far.
She is very efficient at getting items straight to her mouth, where she enjoys chewing and or sucking on everything.
Yes, I mean everything.
She adores her big sister and watches every move she makes. She laughs at her and loves to grab her when Miss is within reach. Many times I’ve heard Miss saying that Lass is “pulling [her] hair out” when Miss tries to hug her and Lass gets a good grip on her hair.
She has gotten her first two teeth in the past couple of weeks, the middle two on the bottom.
She seems to really love feeling these new additions with her tongue.

She’s getting really good at sitting up on her own, though she does still topple over from time to time.

She’s mobile in every direction but forward at this point. She rolls all over and can push up and scoot backwards pretty easily.

As I’ve already posted, she started solids just this past week. Avocado to start, and now sweet potatoes. She’s done great with both of them. And yes, she did actually seem to like the avocado after the first day. I know some people may think me cruel to give my child plain avocado as her first taste of food other than breastmilk, but here’s why it’s my choice. 1) it’s packed with great nutrition!!! 2) it’s easy to mash up and serve fresh 3) it’s bland, easy to digest, and not a food that is likely to cause an allergic reaction. And if that’s not enough and you still think I’m mean because plain avocado isn’t the most delicious food out there (I know, I agree it’s not), let me point out that it’s at least no worse than the taste of jarred baby food (yes, I have tasted it).

That said, she does seem to prefer the sweet potatoes 🙂

And finally, I can once again say that she is a good sleeper (she was sleeping 12 hours through the night at 2 months, but hasn’t done that since 3 months).
Since returning from our travels last weekend I have transitioned her from napping in her swing to napping in her crib and have cut out her night time feedings. Last night was the first night that she slept through the night without eating. She did wake a couple of times but was able to soothe herself back to sleep, so I am very happy with the progress we have made since coming home. I again used the Ferber method, which was so successful for us in improving Miss’s sleep about a year and a half ago (I blogged about our first experience with it and you can find the book reference here).
We had her 6-month well-baby appointment today. She is now 17.9 lbs and about 26 inches long (both measurements around the 80th %ile). She’s on track with all her milestones and got three shots (two regularly scheduled and a flu shot) plus the last dose of her rotavirus vaccine drink thing. She’s growing and developing and changing just as she should be. And I’m enjoying every minute of it. I’m trying to savor every smile and snuggle and create mental snapshots every time she looks at me and I know she knows I’m her momma. I am loving 6 months.

My Little is Getting Big

Lass is growing like a little weed. An adorable, snuggly, kissable weed. She is changing so fast I swear I don’t want to blink and miss something. She is rolling all over the place now. If I put her down and turn my back for a minute, when I look back she’s halfway across the room every time!

She is doing so well at sitting up. Just today I had her sitting in front of me on the floor and she hardly bobbled at all.
She smiles all the time and laughs so easily. She’s super ticklish and will laugh like crazy when you tickle her belly or sides. And she snorts when she gets to laughing really hard. I can’t help but crack up myself when she giggles.
Somehow it seems like time is flying by even faster with Lass than it did with Miss at this age. She’s almost 6 months old!! Before I know it she’ll be starting solids and becoming mobile and getting into all sorts of mischief with her sister. So I take an absurd amount of photos (anyone else a second or later child and have hardly any photos of themselves as a baby?) and try to document everything like crazy so I can always remember and come back to this amazing stage later. I love it here.

3 months!!

Somebody is three whole months old today!!!

I can’t believe it. The past three months have flown by. But then, it seems like our Lass has always been here. She’s such a good and happy baby. She’s growing so fast and doing lots of new things. She’s enjoying tummy time a bit more and has great head control.

She likes “playing” with toys. I guess the better way to say it is that she notices toys, follows them with her eyes, smiles in response to them, and grabs them too.
She’s a real Momma’s girl.

She can sit in the Bumbo for a bit longer now. She loves to be sitting up and watching the world around her. In the photo below she is staring at something Miss is doing.
She likes her play mat and reaches up for the toys all the time now.
She loves to suck on the first two or three fingers of her right hand. But she still won’t take a bottle!! I think I’m now on my sixth different type of bottle to try with her. This is completely my fault, as I didn’t start trying to give her a bottle until my best “window” of opportunity was past. Shoot. At least her feedings have spaced out a bit. She has stayed with the babysitter so I could go do my first evaluation since she’s been born, and it went well.
She was sleeping through the night for several weeks (I mean really sleeping through the night, from like 8 to 8). Then I moved her from her little snuggly inclined bed, which we had her in because of some suspected reflux, into her crib, and she started waking twice a night for a few nights. Now she is going to bed at about the same time as her sister (7-7:30pm) and she’s back to waking only once, usually around 5:30 am (though last night it was at 1:30!!). I’m hoping she’ll gradually get back to the 12-hour sleep stretches, but even as it is, I can’t complain. I guess I should say that she’s sleeping through the night and waking up really early, but then going right back to sleep for several hours, which isn’t too bad! She’s starting to get on a bit of a nap schedule, which is great because she is starting to take longer naps in the afternoon at the same time Miss does (right now)!! Woohoo!!
I love every different facial expression she makes. My hubby says she looks like me.

She has started giggling and she smiles a lot.

She is such a joy and we are soaking up every minute of these first few months. I have found that I’m able to really enjoy her more easily that I did Miss. That is definitely not meant to sound as though I didn’t completely enjoy Miss’s early months, but I was soooo much more nervous about everything with her because it was all new. Seriously. Everything. Having a second baby has allowed (forced?) me to relax a bit, which has helped me to just revel in her babyness and to love every day with both of my girls more than I ever thought would be possible. I don’t know what job could possibly be better than this one I’ve been blessed to be able to do full time.

2 months old

Somebody turned 2 months old on Sunday.

She had a doctor’s appointment on Monday, where she weighed in at 13 lbs, 2 oz and measured 23.5 inches. She got three shots, which really tuckered her out.
She is growing so fast. She is in 6-month-size jammies and many 6-month clothes as well. She loves to smile and coo and has given a short chuckle a few times. She is sleeping through the night and eating a lot during the day. She had fabulous chunky baby rolls and loves to get a bath.

She enjoys time on her play mat and is especially fascinated with this elephant toy.
She is quite entertained by her sister as well, which Miss just loves. Lass smiles at her often and Miss loves to give her hugs and kisses and to “show” her things.

She is always trying to sit forward when seated or held in a reclined position, so it seemed like a good time to bust out the Bumbo. She seems to really enjoy it.

I love how her left ear sort of sticks out. Hello pretty baby.