We went to a brunch and pumpkin carving on Sunday. Miss was sort of interested in watching her daddy carve the pumpkin.

She was more interested in this large chunk of pumpkin “mouth”

Got it!!

She did enjoy the finished project and likes to look out the front door at the jack-o-lantern on the porch. The Daddy did a great job, I think.

She loves music and dancing and is always asking me to play her favorite songs on my computer (which she calls a “pooter”), pointing to it and saying, “Dance! Dance! Mooz! (music)” She also has her own mini laptop computer. The other day she was playing mooz on her pooter when she scooped up Tigger and started this great dance, sort of waltz, with him.

By the way, the song was “B-I-N-G-O and Bingo was his Name-O”

And did I mention I have a thing for shoes? I just love these boots.