Oh, you guys.
I have been thinking about writing a blog post for so many months now.
A few times I’ve typed something up, only to not press “Publish.” It feels so awkward to come back to writing after not having done so for such a long time, especially since everything is so bizarre in the world right now. I don’t know what to write about. It seems strange to just publish a post like normal out of the blue. So here’s my attempt at coming back and not being weird because I’m talking about how weird it is to post again after so long. I’m just going to start typing and see what happens…
Sooo, what’s new? Check out how big my kids are all of a sudden:

It seems like just yesterday we were here:

Or here:

My husband was showing videos from his phone to me and the girls the other day. The girls were so little and cute. Their little voices!!! It made me remember how glad I am that I have this blog. I’ve enjoyed from time to time looking back through the posts here and seeing the photos of my girls when they were so little or reading about something we did.
One example: Lass got such a kick out of me telling her about the time she was dilly-dallying while we were trying to get ready to go somewhere and I was on her to get her shoes on. She was singing and twirling and doing everything but putting her shoes on and I told her for a third (or fourth?) time to get. her. shoes. on. And she responded with “MOM! I AM! Stop talking.” (You can read all about it here). I didn’t remember that particular episode, or the others mentioned in that post for that matter. I ended up reading the whole post to the girls, and we all got several good laughs from it.

When my girls were little, the three of them, three and under, life was a little bit of a blur. I was sleep deprived, and seemed to just be changing diapers and washing diapers on repeat forever and ever, and I was a bit frazzled, I suppose, and there is so much I don’t remember! So this blog has been such a blessing for me to look back on as all of my babies are growing up too quickly before my very eyes.

I’m going to try to start writing again so I’ll have all these years in stories too. My girls as they grow into teenagers (*gulp*) and my boys as they’re still fairly little. Here is a recent episode that gave us all a chuckle:
I haven’t written enough about my boys for you all to know that my youngest child, whom I’ll call Tex, since he hasn’t ever really had an established blog name and his siblings say, “Don’t mess with Texas” in reference to him, is a dear, sweet, yet quite ornery child. You could say he’s spirited. And feisty. For perspective, he has more tantrums in the span of a week or two than all of my other children combined had in the entirety of their toddlerhoods. He is definitely a precious gift from God, who will hopefully contribute greatly to my sanctification.

Anyway. The other day we were having dinner and Tex got mad. This is quite a common occurrence, but on this particular day his ire arose because he had refused to sit at the table to eat his food, so I took his plate away and said he was done. He screamed. He stomped. He balled his little hands into fists and then yelled at my husband and me, “I’m going to jump out of this house! And I’m not going to see you ever again!” Then he said something about going to live at a toy store.
I have two observations about this. 1) I’m fairly certain this was his way of saying, “I’m going to run away!” although he has never heard of the concept of running away, nor has he heard any of his siblings say anything like this. 2) He has never been to a toy store (that may sound weird, but the child has literally spend a third of his life in a bizarre twilight-zone lockdown-ish existence).

A few other photos of recent happenings:

I think in the past I have said I was coming back to blogging, and then I’d write a post or two and fade away into bloggy-silence again. Maybe I should say, “Don’t call it a comeback!” just to cover myself in case I do the same again. Or maybe I should challenge myself, and call it just that.
I absolutely love reading your blogs and all about your beautiful family.