I love homeschooling my kids. I feel truly blessed to be able to do it. But man, I love summer too. It’s so nice to get to the end of the school year and put away all the books and curricula and just chill for three months. Except this year, we did not chill at all for the first of the summer months. June was full. And busy. And big.
It started with a birthday for this boy.

Then we took a road trip field trip to explore some of the cool things in our state.

The kids did their end-of-the-year showcase for our Catholic Schoolhouse co-op. The four older kids did presentations of memory work with their classes. Then Sis did an individual presentation about Abigail Adams.

Lass and Sis received their Super Scholar trophies for knowing all the memory work for the year. (Miss moved up to the Dialectic level this year and didn’t do memory work.)

And then both Lass and Sis received medals for achieving the “Triple Crown,” which is what they call it when someone earns Super Scholar for all three cycles of memory work.

The next day we had our official last day of school. We had finished all of our classroom work and final exams at the end of May, but I decided to save the final day until after our big field trip and showcase. Our traditions for ending the year include taking last day photos,

going out for lunch (at the same place every year),

and doing an at-home showcase for Dad. The girls recited the Gettysburg Address all together, then each of them and Bubba recited a poem individually. Then they each shared an art project they did during the year, one of our geography maps, and a piano piece. The grand finale was the Hokey Pokey in French (“le Hokey Cokey”).

The next day, the kids and I left for Kentucky. My parents no longer live there, but my grandma’s memorial service was being held not too far from where they used to live, and they wanted to spend some time down there to visit my brother’s family and some of their friends. So they rented a cabin at a marina and asked us to come down for a few days before the memorial service.

We got home from Kentucky around 11PM on a Saturday night mid month. Then we went to Mass the following Sunday morning and afterwards left for a week at the Farm!

After we finally got home from all our travels, the last week of June included eye doctor appointments (one new girl in glasses!!), volleyball camp, dance troupe performances, and a yard sale at Grandma and Grandpa’s house.

I saw a meme recently that said, “Adulthood is saying, ‘But after this week things will slow down a bit,’ over and over until you die.” Me about the month of June: “But after this month, things will slow down a bit.” So far it’s true. (It must be if I’m blogging!) We do have a few things coming up, like girls’ camp and a trip to Montana. But nothing like Big June.
Here’s to two months of (finally) (relatively) lazy summer!