We came home to heavily falling snow yesterday. After a week of sunshine and warmth, we are now back to over a foot of snow and temps below 20 degrees. But we had a splendid time. Now there’s a word I don’t use often enough. Splendid. Our vacation was truly splendid. It was full of everything a vacation should be. Lots of time with family. Cherished moments for my girls to spend with my grandparents, their grandparents (both my parents and my husband’s), and my aunt and uncle.
And in addition to the fantastic family time, we had all the elements of the perfect vacation.
The beach of course, complete with shelling, relaxing, sand play, checking out the surf (Miss would not get too near the water, and kind of freaked out the one time a wave did come up over her toes), bird watching, a picnic lunch, and a nap for our littlest, experiencing her first trip to the beach.

A fun visit with close friends. Two of my good friends from graduate school live about an hour south of my in-law’s house, so I was able to visit with them and let them see the girls.

Morning walks, during which we got to walk by the harbor and see the manatees. Miss got so excited to see them poking their noses up out of the water. Okay, I got really excited to see them too, as I had never seen a manatee in person before.

This was our second dip in the pool for the week. Somehow we did not get any photos the first time. And unfortunately the pool heater got turned off by accident, so the water was a bit too cold for our second swimming attempt. But Miss really wanted to go in the pool, so her daddy got into the cold water and took her swimming. Reluctantly. . .

This dip in the pool only lasted a few minutes before we coaxed a blue-lipped, teeth-chattering Miss to get dry and blow bubbles instead of swimming.
In the evenings we had some grown up time playing cards with my in-laws. My husband and I taught them to play Euchre. I haven’t played Euchre since graduate school, and I forgot how much I enjoy it.
It was a great vacation. I almost didn’t want to come home. But now we’re here and I’m glad. We’re snuggled in and refreshed to get through the last of the cold weather. We’re looking forward to spring here. I can’t wait to see the crocuses pop up and feel the warm sun bringing everything back to life. I can’t wait to get my girls out and playing in the yard, going to the park and for walks in our new double stroller. Big things to come. Potty training. And this:
And then maybe not so much.
Cute Blog! I’m a new follower Happy Monday!! I would love for you to stop and take a look at my blog as well! Thanks!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
you ahve a beautiful family, and that 4 generations picture is great!
If youd ecide to write a “16 year old letter to self” please do let me know, I will feature it on my blog in the ’16 year old self’ sereies that I am starting. Id love to read what you would say!
thanks just email me
It looks like you had a great vacation! I am so jealous
Hopefully I will see the beach this summer?
I am your newest follower from Mom Blog Monday and would love for you to follow me back!
Have a great week!
Splendid, indeed!
Please tell Miss (and Daddy) that the pool where Auntie lives is nice and heated in the summer time… and no one turns the heater off! And let Lass know that Auntie wouldn’t make her eat that nasty, green pasty stuff! (That only really tastes good with nachos and salsa, anyway!)
Love you… Auntie
Really liked what you had to say in your post, Big Fat Vacation Post | Motherhood and Miscellany, thanks for the good read!
— Anabel