I really enjoy this link up of random questions from Kendra. So I’m joining in again for Answer Me This.
Like I did once last summer, I’m also including my husband’s answers to the questions after mine.
1 – How long have you lived in your current home?
Me – Just over six years. We moved here when Miss was about three months old.
Our house is now officially on the market, and hopefully our new house will be finished in September.
I have wanted a white farmhouse with a tin roof for all of my adult life. I smile every time I drive up to this house.
Ben – “Too long.”
2 – How do you find out about news and current events?
Me – Mostly on Facebook or from my husband and sometimes my mom. When important stuff happens, it’s usually all over my FB feed, and I can’t stand to watch the news. The cadence of a newscaster’s voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me (they all seem to sound the same), and I have yet to find an online news source that I like.
Ben – “Internet, I guess.”
3 – Would you be able to make change for a twenty right now? For a dollar?
Me – No and yes. I almost never carry cash in my wallet, but I do have some change in there right now that adds up to a little over a dollar (I had to go check, because usually I don’t even have that).
Ben – (Change for 20?) “Hell no.” (For a dollar) – “Huh?” (he doesn’t carry change).
4 – What’s the craziest food you’ve ever eaten?
Me – Although I grew up eating very safe, normal, not-at-all crazy foods, I have become more adventurous in my food endeavors as an adult. I’ve eaten some mildly daring things, like raw oysters and squid-ink sauce on ravioli, but not much I would consider crazy. I guess the craziest things are those I made when Ben and I used to do our at-home version of the show Chopped. The dish that comes to mind immediately is The Great Pickled Herring Disaster from a few years ago. The other might be the dish I made with plantains, tofu, and bacon bits.
Ben – “I grew up eating cow tongue.” (I’d like to add that he also once ate blood sausage and likes to eat raw shrimp heads, shell and all, when we get sushi in Des Moines)
5 – Which of the commonly removed parts have you had removed? (tonsils, wisdom teeth, appendix, etc.)
Me – None of them. I still have all my original parts. Every time I go to a new dentist, he or she is always shocked to find that I still have my wisdom teeth. The only thing I’ve ever had surgically removed from my body was a nine-pound baby.
Ben – “Well, I am sans appendix”
6 – What’s your favorite sport to watch on TV?
Me – I used to watch college football a lot. I grew up watching Michigan football, and continued to watch it up until a few years ago, when life with little ones made it difficult, and the team was so bad it wasn’t worth the effort. I don’t think I watched a single game last year in its entirety. Now that Coach Harbaugh has come home, I may find it worth my while to watch again.
These days most of my sports watching is on a bit smaller scale though.
Ben – “Wrestling, of course. (pause) People are going to read that and think I mean pro wrestling (laughs)”
For Kendra’s answers and more, check out her post here.
Thanks to my husband for playing along. What about you??
So funny that you got your husband to do this too. I might have to try that one of these weeks!
Yes! I quite enjoyed it when you interviewed him for the blog. He seems to have a fun sense of humor (as mine does