I’m working on getting my house ready to sell. And meeting with our builder about all the little details of our new house. And homeschooling my kids. And life keeps on happening and somehow time keeps flying away from me so quickly.
I know I’m no more busy than anyone else, and yet I’m struggling a lot with keeping my mind and my life organized these days. Here are a few of our recent happenings:
My oldest daughter had a piano recital a week and a half ago. We got there, and I thought I was so on top of things because we were nice and early. Then I realized that I had forgotten her piano books! And we don’t live terribly close to our church, where the recital was held, so I had to frantically beg her piano teacher to move her back in the line up (she was scheduled to be one of the first to play) so I could race home to get her books.
It wasn’t a disaster, and everything turned out fine. But ugh. I just had that big yucky feeling of a super mom fail (and here super is modifying FAIL, not mom).
She did a fantastic job anyway, of course.
Then Friday, she broke her arm by falling off a swing in our backyard.
I peeked out the window and saw her crying on the ground, holding her arm. I ran out there to check things out and thought she was probably fine, since her arm didn’t look broken (meaning it wasn’t bent in a way it wasn’t supposed to be bent). I brought her in the house and put some ice on her arm and was standing around trying to figure out if we had more of a problem than a bumped arm, when thankfully, my husband got home.
He looked at her arm, asked her a few questions, and told her to try to squeeze his fingers, which she couldn’t do. He said that she had probably broken it, so we took her to the ER. Of course, he was right. He is so wonderful to have around at times like those!
Miss started feeling much better once she got a splint on her arm, and she is quite happy now to have a regular, below-elbow (and green!) cast.
On Saturday I got outside and went for a six mile run in the morning (again, very grateful for my husband!). I was so pleased with myself and felt energized and fabulous afterwards. Then I got in the house and realized that my phone, which I had tucked into my sports bra so I could listen to a Lighthouse talk hands free, had gotten drenched with sweat and was D.E.A.D.
Yes, you read that right. I ruined my cell phone with sweat. In my bra. Who does that?
So, homeschooling has been a big fat zero this week. I really try to make it a priority in my schedule, but with unplanned visits to the Verizon store and the orthopedic doctor, I haven’t done a very good job on my lesson plans.
I am starting to realize that I seem to be moving into a new season of mothering. A season in which I am feeling scatter-brained, not because of lack of sleep and many small people hanging on me and needing me to do things for them at all times (which used to be the case), but because of piano, and soccer, and choir, and homeschooling, and away-from-home school activities. Is this a real thing, or is it just me?
Life just keeps happening and suddenly I look up and realize that I am not a mom of lots of babies and toddlers anymore. I’m beyond the three-under-four stage, and I’m now a mom of little girls. Little girls who like to do lots of activities.
Please tell me I’m not the only one who feels overwhelmed by this new stage of activities and extracurriculars. I know this is only the beginning.
I am just having this sensation too! With SuperBoy almost 5 and SweetPea 3, we are on the go a llllll the time. I try to limit our outings because otherwise the baby’s naps are screwy and then it’s not happy around here. But also because I like being in our own environment!
So sorry about her arm. And your phone! What a week!
I am the same way about liking to be in our own environment. If we are doing too many things I get twitchy and just want to hole up at home for a while. I try to limit the girls’ activities to piano lessons (which only Miss is old enough for so far) plus one other thing. But then children’s choir at church became an option and since it isn’t every week. . . I am dreading when they’re bigger and all interested in different things!!
Thanks Nell
I am right there with you. My oldest is in kindergarten and my 2 year old is in speech therapy, physical therapy, and occupational therapy. Outside of school, my 6 year old is ONLY in a tumbling class and our parish religious education class. And yet I asked my husband the other day “Is it just me or are things just getting HARDER!?!”
I am suffering from the same scatter brain that you have.
I’m glad to know I’m not the only one. It makes my brain spin a little bit just to read all that you have going on.