I’m Amy.
I am a Catholic convert. I am a stay-at-home mom. I homeschool my kids. I love to read, write, cook, craft, and take lots and lots of photos. This blog is my way to document our life and share it with our family and friends. I also just love to write about being a mom, being a Catholic, and other various endeavors.
I have an amazing little family. My husband is Ben. We have three beautiful daughters and two precious little boys: Miss, Lass, Sis, Bubba, and Little Brother. I used to be a prison/forensic psychologist, so I’m paranoid, and I don’t use my kids’ real names here.
I also used to be an atheist. For about 10 years I was a nonbeliever. Then in January 2013, I began a journey to learn about faith and religion, and ended up falling in love with the beautiful Catholic Faith. I entered the Church at the Easter Vigil in 2014.
I have been a blogger longer than I have been a Catholic, so my conversion is documented, in real time mostly, throughout my posts since March 2013. I’ve discovered that I love to learn about and to share about Catholicism, as I’m increasing my own understanding of it all the time. In 2018, after baptizing our youngest in the Latin Rite, we began attending the Traditional Latin Mass. We still have so much to learn and continue to grow in faith.
This is my space to write about my family and my faith, post lots of photos, and tell plenty of stories about being a Mom. I try to write about motherhood in all its glory, including the beautiful times, the ugly moments, and even some of the humdrum in between. I try to find the humor in even the toughest times, and usually end up laughing at myself. I’m learning to find God’s grace in everything.
Here are a few links to help you learn a bit more about me:
The story of how I met and married my husband – Part 1 and Part 2
Birth stories!! Lass’s here, Sis’s here, Bubba’s here, and Little Brother’s here (I never typed Miss’s on the blog, because I started blogging when she was almost seven months old. . . I may add that in here someday, but for now here’s a post on Lass being breech that tells some of the story)
The first post I ever wrote about religion here.
My Conversion Story – Part 1 and Part 2 (sort of Part 3)
Why I first decided to homeschool here and some of the reasons we continue to do it here.
My most frequently searched and clicked post of all time here (on why I’m not a feminist, of all things. I’ve been meaning to revisit the post. . .)
If you like what you read here, or even if you don’t, I’d love to hear from you! Leave a comment, or email me at motherhoodandmiscellany at gmail dot com.
Hi Amy,
thanks for stopping by, I’m following you back and looking forward to getting to know you!
Hi Amy-
I’m Erika – nice to meet you …well, sort of…..
I just read your post from the Hip Homeschool Moms newsletter and wanted you to know I loved it! I really enjoyed the photographs of your girls and the focus on being engaged with your children. I am still very new at all of this – mommyhood, writing, blogging….and I too also recently left a professional career, veterinary medicine…..to work on the art and science of being a stay at home mom
I look forward to following your adventures in future posts! ….ps…..I also love “Note to self – a photo is never that important.”…..I have a great pic of a screaming newborn in a too tight ladybug Halloween outfit I wish I could show you right now
oh, the stories they’ll have when they get older, sigh…..
Hi Amy! I just found your blog through a link on Jenny’s post and I’m so glad I did! Can’t wait to read some of your older posts
Thank Ashley! I’m glad you found it too. Nice to “meet” you