Other than to go take Miss to gymnastics yesterday afternoon, we haven’t left the house since Monday. You might say we’ve got a bit of cabin fever, but not in a bad way. Being cooped up in the house has forced us to keep busy with crafts and projects. And it also prompts me to bring out my camera. When we are stuck in the house all day, I take photos. A lot. Taking pictures makes me happy.
Yesterday we brought out the finger paints again. Miss had been pointing to her paintings on the fridge from the last time we painted, proudly saying, “I made that.” I wanted to let her try painting with a paintbrush, but I couldn’t find the brushes so we just used hands again. Boy, did she ever.
I love the painting on the right. Not only does it have the first handprints I have of hers since she was born, but it looks like a Valentine’s Day painting with the big red heart. I helped her do the handprints, but I didn’t help her to make the heart-like shape. I actually didn’t even recognize it as a heart-like shape until my husband mentioned it when he came home from work. Love.

And she enjoyed showing off for her sister.

After getting cleaned up we got ready to go to gymnastics. I let her pick out her shirt, and what did she pick but my fave Wonder Woman T shirt. She pointed to the picture of Wonder Woman and said, “Mama.” Weeellll, okay! Then she caught on when I told her who it really was and she kept saying, “Wun Nuh Man!”
In the photos below she is putting the hearts from the other day’s post into her shirt. This is seemingly much more fun to do over and over than to put them on the window. Every time I go to change her diaper one or two of these things falls out of her onesie.

I just love this pic of her talking to our old dog Chica, whose health seems to be declining of late. She’s a good old dog.

Lass is really moving herself around with her rolling, though she’s not terribly precise in where she gets herself to.

And one final note, at dinner tonight Miss said, “Razzle Dazzle!!” It took me a few times to catch on to what she was saying, and each time I asked her to repeat it she got this sheepish little grin on her face, which erupted into a huge radiant smile and laugh when I finally got it and said, “Did you just say ‘Razzle Dazzle’?” Then of course we had to say it several times each and laugh every time. She is just a funny, fun little girl.
P.S. “Razzle Dazzle” is the favorite saying of my hubby and I from the show Yo Gabba Gabba. It’s a Muno signature exclamation, in case you’re wondering.