We had a little adventure today.
I wanted to plan a little outing. Something to get us out of the house so my husband could sleep.
Nothing huge, but something different, and thus an adventure.
So, after church, I smeared sunscreen on three girls, threw a picnic lunch together, and we drove to a local strawberry patch.
Lass was really into picking.
She worked hard and picked more than either Miss or me.
It was hot and muddy, but we had fun.
I have to admit though, after getting home from church, I was really tempted to skip the outing. I hadn’t mentioned it to the girls. It was getting close to lunch time and I knew we would end up having lunch late and then taking naps late. I kind of wanted to just do what was easy.
Stay home. Play in the yard. Read some books. Lunch at noon, naps at 1.
I had a moment of thinking, “Eh, forget it.”
Then I thought about our Summer List and how excited the girls were to cross off the things we’ve done so far. Okay, I also thought about how much I like to cross things off lists.
I thought about how this might be the only good chance we have to pick strawberries since Miss has camp this week and we are going to Kentucky the following week (where strawberry picking is already done) and I didn’t know if we’d still be able to pick after that…
I thought about how much fun they would have if we had a little adventure.
I though about how sometimes it’s better to not just do the easier thing.
So, I took away my option of saying, “Eh, forget it” by telling the girls exactly what I had planned for us to do. I just blurted it out so I couldn’t take it back and I would have to follow through.
The looks on their faces and the thrill in their voices when I said we were going to pick strawberries and then go to a park for a picnic lunch… Well, I no longer wanted to wuss out, but I wouldn’t have anyway at that point.
And I’m glad I didn’t.
I’m happy I decided to smear that sunscreen and pack that lunch and take the 30 minute drive that should have been 20 minutes but we got a little lost because my GPS didn’t recognize the address of the place.
We would have had a lovely day if we had stayed home and played in the yard and colored and read books.
But instead we had a little adventure.
It was a memorable day. I’m not sure if my girls will remember it, but I surely will.
It was so worth it.
I used to love going strawberry picking growing up! Your daughters are so pretty!
You rock! It’s so easy to do the easy thing… but you did the FUN thing. XO
Love y’all!