Somebody turns two on Friday.
We had a little birthday party for her with my husband’s family while visiting with them this past weekend. She was so excited, walking around all day leading up to the party telling everyone, “It my buh-day pahdy!”
She wasn’t quite sure what to make of it when everyone sang “Happy Birthday” to her, and she was a little hesitant at first about blowing out her candle. But once she figured out what she was supposed to do she got it done and looked very proud of herself.
She had been waiting all day for this…
Miss got a big laugh out of the chocolate on her face.
I was a little nervous about how Miss would do in the face of seeing her sister get all kinds of cool presents when she wasn’t getting any for herself. She’s in a “scream first, think later” phase right now, so I thought she might totally melt down. Happily, she did not. She did have a few moments of jumping around with “Ooh, I want that, I want that, can I have one of those?” but listened well when I explained things to her and didn’t scream or otherwise throw a fit.
I think she really was excited for her sister, and Lass shared her new loot quite nicely. Sisters rock.

Lass’s actual birthday is on Friday. We will do lots of fun stuff and have a small party just with our family in the evening. Instead of cake they’ll get to make their own ice cream sundaes. I’m so excited. I love when my girls have birthdays. I love to see their excitement and joy. Of course I also get all nostalgic and marvel at how big they’re getting and how all of their baby days seem to have flown by. And I say it, every time, “I can’t believe she’s __!” I can’t believe she’s almost two.
I was going to say “I can’t believe she’s 2!” Times flies by so quickly. She is so pretty and she looks like a mini Amy!