Linking up with Jen at Conversion Diary again, this time at Clan Donaldson.
1. We went out for a family date night on Wednesday.
^ Baby Sis thinks it’s very funny to take her shirt off whenever possible.
On the way home, it was snowing. I am really and truly not ready for snow. Fortunately it was just brief flurries. But it was snow. We can’t have snow yet. I’m just not ready for winter.
2. On that note, I had to finally go in the basement and get out our big (overflowing) bin of winter weather clothing.
My girls got a kick out of putting on their heavy coats and hats to go outside yesterday. They even still fit (mostly) from last year.
3. Speaking of last year, I found a little leftover treasure from last Christmas yesterday. We have some shelves above our odd “wet bar” in our family room. I rarely pay any attention to them.
And when I say “I rarely pay attention to them” what I mean is “apparently I never dust them.”
Looky what I just noticed yesterday that got left out last Christmas:
I just noticed it yesterday. Think that shelf is a little bit dusty? I can’t see it, but yeah, I imagine so.
At this point that little bell is just going to stay right there until after this Christmas. And I guess I’ll be working on remembering to look up when I dust.
4. Tomorrow I am participating in the Rite of Welcome at our parish. It’s the first rite of the RCIA process. I am kind of nervous. I have to stand up in front of everyone at the 5pm mass. My husband and my church sponsor will be with me, and they have more things to remember to do than I do, but I’m still nervous.
5. After mass my hubby and I are going out for dinner and a movie. We go out to dinner fairly frequently, but I can’t remember the last time we went out to a movie. In fact, I don’t know the last time I saw a movie in the theater. Avatar, maybe? Watching a movie in 3D seems to be the only thing that will prompt us to go to the theater. We aren’t huge movie watchers, and when we do want to see something we use Amazon to rent and watch from our comfy living room. We’re going to see Gravity. It’s a little silly how excited I am.
6. My brother sent me the link to a trailer for a show MTV is doing about my old high school called Wait ‘Til Next Year. My alma mater’s football team lost 66 games in a row before finally winning one this year. And according to the show’s website the cheerleaders were heckled for being “clumsy and forgetful.” Evidently, MTV thinks this makes for a good reality TV show (or app show? I didn’t know there was such a thing, but I guess this show will be on the MTV app). The trailer shows kids swearing (bleeped out f-bombs), talking about losing their virginity, etc. I have to be honest, it looks pretty disturbing to me. I remember high school, and what they’re showing in the trailer isn’t that far from what I recall, but it’s still kind of shocking to see a show made out of it. I made a lot of bad choices and said and did plenty of stupid things in high school, like plenty of kids do. But fortunately no one made a record of those choices for all the world to see forever and ever. I just wonder if these kids might wish this show didn’t exist when they’re 35. It makes me sad that a show that could have been about working hard to overcome adversity seems to have been turned into yet another exploitative reality show. Maybe (of course) the trailer was just intended to shock, and I’m just old. Maybe.
7. Today will be the first time I will take Lass somewhere and drop her off. She and Miss are going to a morning Halloween event at the place where they take gymnastics. They’ll have games and activities and crafts, and lots of gymnastic-ing, I’m sure. The girls are excited about it. They love gymnastics.
I’m feeling a little bit strange about leaving them though. I know this is so dumb. Miss went to preschool for a year and has done a few weeks of wee camp at the YMCA. I don’t know why I’m fretting about it. It makes me feel a little bit better that they’ll be doing the program with each other and with one of their Mini-Super-Friends (Super Friend’s oldest daughter). I’ve just never done this with Lass before. I know. It will be fine. She’ll love it.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Best wishes with your Rite of Welcome
My husband’s RCIA class does that in two weeks – I’m excited or him! Those gymnastics classes look like so much fun – I want to go….lol What age did they start?
I’ve heard awesome things about “Gravity” – I hope you have a great time!