We are visiting my parents this week. Otherwise known as “Damma and Tuppa” by Sis.
^^Every day, “Where my Tuppa?,” she says.
Here’s what we’re up to:
1. My Mom recently hosted a big Lego event at her library. As a result, she has a gazillion Legos these days. I have a love-hate relationship with Legos. I love them because I think they must be a great toy for imagination and stuff. I hate them because, well, they’re Legos.
My girls have had a blast with my Mom’s Legos. Which is great, because I won’t need to get any since they can play with them here. Or maybe it’s not great, because now they know they like them, and they’ll ask for them at all the birthdays.
2. My Mom is teaching Miss to sew. This brings back many memories:
Makes me think of my Grandma teaching me stuff. And when my Mom taught me to sew. Oh the nostalgia.
3. Happiness is playing outside without heavy coats. Or snow pants. Or mittens (otherwise known as my nemesis).
Put on jacket. Slip on shoes. Go outside. Freeeeedom!!!
And my kids like it too.
4. Sis is obsessed with flying things. Birds, planes, “coppers” (helicopters).
Which is quite fun, since my parents live near an Army base where they have lots of “coppers.” “Where copper gooo?” and “Copper slow dooown!” were her favorite phrases yesterday.
5. My girls went to story time at my Mom’s library where she gave them these obnoxiously loud lovely flute things.
These will be a great toy to keep at Grandma and Grandpa’s. Forever.
6. About once a year, when we come to visit my parents, my husband and I leave the girls with my Mom and Dad,
and go to Nashville for an overnight date.
I really enjoy going out to dinner at a nice restaurant, but we have date nights at home fairly frequently, so that’s not the best part.
^^ Miss asked me for a picture of me and her Daddy on date night for a frame she is painting. Soooo, camera timer ^^
The best part of the overnight date?
Date breakfast.
And date morning lounging:
I slept in until 7:15 this morning and still got to linger over my coffee and reading. Pure luxury.
For more Quick takes click HERE!
Sis’s piggy tails…. AHHHH! I LOVE them.
Aren’t they so cute??
Thanks Sarah.