Jen at Conversion Diary has issued a challenge to her reader-bloggers to write and post every day this week. I have decided to join her in posting seven posts in seven days.
That might not seem like a big deal to many people. Lots of folks write every day, I suppose. But I don’t know the last time I came even close to posting every single day for a whole week. I know I have been slacking a bit on the blog lately. So. I’m going to post every day this week, and maybe it will jump start my writing and get me into the groove of posting more often again.
To start with, I’d like to share with you some gems I have found, if you happen to be a blog loving person, as I am.
Not too long ago, my husband asked me how I find the blogs that I like to read. I wasn’t quite sure how to even answer that. I usually just stumble upon them fairly randomly.
Maybe someone posts a link to something on Facebook that piques my interest.
Maybe I think a blog’s name looks intriguing when I see it in someone’s blog roll.
Maybe I find something I enjoy when I click on someone’s blog after they leave a comment on mine (I always check out others’ blogs when they comment on mine!).
Maybe a friend tells me I must check out a particular site.
Sometimes I come across the same blog from more than one of the above sources. Those usually end up being my faves.
I have been meaning to add a blogroll to my sidebar. I used to have one when I was on Blogger, and haven’t gotten around to setting it up since I switched to WordPress (ahem, over a year ago). So, while I get working on that, I’ll give you all a list of some of my favorite blogs to read.
First up are the blogs I eagerly await posts from and click through to read pretty much every post I see. I am either subscribed to these blogs so I get an email letting me know when a new post comes up, or I follow on Facebook and see new posts there (FYI, you can follow my blog in either of these ways too, wink, wink. I wouldn’t want you to miss anything, of course):
Conversion Diary – I’ve mentioned this site before. Multiple times. It’s a blog written by a former atheist who converted to Catholicism. I first read one of Jen’s posts that someone linked on Facebook. Then Super Friend mentioned it to me, and I returned to it and got hooked. This woman can write. For real. It’s funny. It’s compelling. It’s informative. What’s not to like?
Teacher Tom – I just love Teacher Tom. He’s a teacher in a cooperative preschool in Seattle. He is just wise about kids and teaching, and I soak up every post.
Camp Patton – This is another blog I learned about from multiple sources. A friend recommended it to me, and then I saw it on the Conversion Diary blogroll. Grace is a mom of three very small children and is hilarious in her writing about (and posting photos of) mothering. Addictive.
Momastery – I first started reading this super popular blog when a friend on Facebook linked to the viral post “Don’t Carpe Diem.” Glennon is funny and inspiring. A wonderful combo.
And here are some other sites I enjoy. I read them often, though I might not catch every post:
They All Call Me Mom – This mom has 10 children ranging in age from 20 (I think? Her oldest is somewhere around there) and newborn! She homeschools at least some of them too. And she’s a lovely person. I sent her a message when I first started thinking about homeschooling, and she responded quickly with some very helpful information.
Foodie in WV – This is a great recipe review blog. She cooks lots of great recipes from other sites (providing links) and offers tips for execution and sometimes substitutions. Several of her recipes are gluten free. Her photos are even delicious.
Enjoying the Small Things – I love this mama’s writing and photos. Both are beautiful, and so is her family. This was the first blog I read regularly.
Sipping Lemonade – Beautifully written. One of my favorites is here and another that I return to often is here. That second is one of my favorite posts ever. Super Friend pointed me to this blog (and those posts).
Hands Free Mama – Inspirational commentary on slowing down and being more present as a parent.
Simple Homeschool – Good articles and info for homeschoolers.
A few blogs that I’ve just discovered but have enjoyed so far:
And some homeschooling blogs that I look to very frequently for tons of free stuff for my homeschool units:
This isn’t the complete list of blogs I sometimes read. And no, I don’t spend tons of time reading them. But I do enjoy these and visit a few others as well.
What are your favorites?
Aww you’re so sweet for the mention
I love your list, there are a number of blogs that sound like ones that I would love that I haven’t visited before. Your pictures made me smile too, great way to start the week!
Awww! Thanks for the mention!
And I would be hard pressed to figure out how I found all the blogs I read, too. I have no idea how I found yours. I think a lot of times I see an interesting comment on someone’s post and follow that or on a blog roll like this.