The sequel to yesterday’s “How We Met” post:
The rest of our story took a bit longer than the first part.
Hubby and I moved to North Carolina. We were finally in the same state. I figured it wouldn’t be long at all before we were engaged and married and having babies and living happily ever after.
Things didn’t quite work out that way. For various reasons, we had a longer road to marriage than I anticipated. At times it seemed to me like we would never get married.
It also seemed to me like everyone we knew was getting married except us.
*I just paused in writing and did a quick mental tally of eight weddings of friends and family members between about the time we moved to North Carolina and when we got engaged. We attended seven of them (two were on the same date, so we had to miss one).
Whatever. So marriage came more slowly than I thought it would. We were still very happy and life was good and, even not-married, we were living happily ever after anyway.
We were together.
We spent time with great friends.
We traveled.
Hubby taught me how to fish and we spent a lot of time on the water.
We trained together and ran a couple marathons.
We were silly. We laughed a lot. We had fun.
Then one day in July 2006, we were sitting in the office in our house. I was reading on the floor. Pink Floyd was playing in the background.
He turned to me and said, “So, I was thinking about asking you to marry me.”
Just like that.
I said, “Well, if you did, I’d say ‘yes’.”
And we were engaged.
It wasn’t a big production. But it was perfect.
“Sucks eating dinner alone, doesn’t it?”
“So, I was thinking about asking you to marry me.”
My husband is the master of the short-and-sweet-and-straight-to-my-heart one-liner.
We got married at the Farm, where we spent so much time during the first year of our relationship, in May 2008.
About two weeks later I was pregnant with Miss.
Five years later we have three precious daughters.
And I love him more than ever.
Happily. Ever. After.
Your post made me smile, such a great story. I love that your husband asked you to marry him similar to the way mine did. No big proposal he just turned to me while we were watching tv and asked me if getting married in August was something I wanted to do. We have been married 10 years, so he did something right
Such a sweet post!
I love that Ann!
I’ve been reading most of your posts via email on my phone lately, but wanted to stop in and let you know how much I enjoyed this two day series about how you met your husband. Your kids will love reading this some day and seeing all the pictures
Thanks Erika. Good to hear from you!
Great story, it made me smile too!
I love hearing how people meet and their weddings! 
I love the simple proposal. Ours was kind of that way, too. Just a conversation and a decision.
Love the pics!