Do you have stores that you just know you need to stay away from? The stores that you know will entice you to spend more money than you intended, every time you walk through the doors? And yet you just. can’t. stop. going…
No? Oh.
Well, I have six. Okay, four and two websites. I’m a modern girl, after all, and with three little kids, shopping from the comfort of my armchair is too lovely to not do whenever possible.
Okay, are you dying to know? (yes, this is the best material I could come up with today, pretend you’re on pins and needles here).
#6 Zulily – I mentioned this one in Friday’s post. Zuliliy is something that I should never have started. It’s like some computer spy knows exactly the kinds of stuff I love to shop for (kids clothes and homeschooling materials) and then sends me a daily email with these things featured and on sale. Sometimes I think of things that I want (like kids boots) and then I watch Zuliliy every day to see when they have a good sale (like they did yesterday, I got three pairs of boots cheaper than I would have been able to even at Target). But most of the time, when I’m innocently watching the sales for something I know I want (or just unable to stop myself from opening my daily email to see what goodies they have to offer), I’ll just happen to come across something that I wasn’t even thinking about getting but immediately realize I must have. Like a four-foot-long skeleton floor puzzle or a wildlife bingo game.
#5 The Dollar Tree – Everything’s $1. They have a teachers’ section and crafts. Enough said.
#4 The local Catholic store – I don’t let myself go to this store anymore (usually). Every time I go in I buy books. And stuff for teaching my kids. And other stuff. I have stacks of books to read. I need to stop buying books.
#3 Hobby Lobby – This place has some sort of magnetic pull on me. I find myself wanting to go there all the time. I just love looking at their seasonal decor and crafty stuff. And I always buy my frames there because they are forever 50% off. For the past several days I have been dying to go in there and get some stiff black and white felt to make ghosts and bats for Halloween decor. I really want to, but I have resisted. How likely do you think it is that I could go in and just get the felt, and nothing else?
#2 Amazon – I have Amazon Prime and I could never leave my house. I can order darn near anything and have it delivered to my house, for free, in two days. Anything. And I can order gifts and have them sent to other people, also for free in two days. I do like to try to shop locally, but this is just too good sometimes.
And the #1? Can you guess. Of course you can.
#1 Target – Naturally. Target is much more than a place to buy things. It’s a place to go to get out of the house with the kids when you don’t know where the heck else to go. They have big carts to hold the two big girls. They have a cafe where I can get snacks for the kids. They have Starbucks in the cafe. What more could a mom ask for? And you can buy almost anything there. I go there at least once a week.
We even ate dinner there after swimming lessons a couple of weeks ago when I needed to buy something and Daddy had a meeting.
Dinner conversation over the hum of a slurpee machine.
So, what are your favorites?
Oh my goodness . . . me, too! Especially Hobby Lobby. I have to drive about 40 minutes to get to either Hobby Lobby that is near me, but I try to think of reasons to go all the time. And I just love that they’re a Christian business.
And Amazon and Target. All great weaknesses.
It would make me so sad to have to drive that far to a HL!I’m so glad we have one 10 minutes from us. Though maybe it would be better if it was farther
1, 2, and 3… right there with you.
Last year sometime, I finally decided to try the Amazon Prime… and I have been more than happy with it. And since Amazon sells almost anything, you’re right. You could almost never leave the house again.
I miss Hobby Lobby. When I lived in Chattanooga, we had 2.
The closest one to the Twin Cities is over an hour away and just doesn’t usually fit into our schedule. And yes, I stock up on frames when I do finally go there.
By the way, love Little Sis’ hair in that pic! So sweet!