This is my favorite time of year. When the air cools and becomes crisp and smells amazing. When everything changes so quickly. And beautifully. When I think, at least once per day, that I wish I had my camera so I could pull my car over and take a photo of that gorgeous farmstead, that harvested field, that amazing tree. …

Often, I don’t have my camera. But even when I do, I never pull over to take photos of what I see as I drive along. I’m always worried about finding a safe place to stop. Or about getting home quickly because my kids are hungry, or tired, or need to go to the bathroom. Maybe I should make a point of keeping my camera with me. Maybe I should stop once in a while. Seize the moment and all that. Maybe someday I will. But for now, who needs photos of farms and trees, when you have this?
Leaves on a trampoline –
A nice front porch for hanging out –
And drawing –
Lots of leaves for gathering and raking and throwing and jumping –
This time of year is when I get the urge to do more spontaneous things. Simple things to soak in the beauty of my favorite season. Like pulling my car over on a country road simply to take a beautiful photo. Or stopping at the roadside pumpkin stand.
And then I remember I need to make lunches and feed a hungry baby and get girls down for naps, or get to school/swimming/gymnastics on time, or get home to start cooking dinner.
Oh well. I do try to do other simple things that make the most of the perfect fall days we’ve been having, like impromptu lunch picnics and walks and jumping in leaf piles. We are planning Halloween costumes and will be getting pumpkins for carving soon. We watch football and buy apples at the farmer’s market. I get lots of gorgeous photos of my girls enjoying the season. We’ve got leaves in hair, crazy outfits, precarious wielding of very large yard tools. … Soon we’ll have pumpkins, bigger leaf piles, and two little girls trick or treating as ballerinas (again). Who needs photos of barns and cows and fields?
Happy fall to you.
My wife Julie is the mother of 3 teen boys!
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