Usually on Fridays I link up with Conversion Diary for 7 Quick Takes Friday. However, I don’t think I have seven things to write about today. In fact, I can barely think of one thing.
So, I was really happy to see a link up from Kendra at Catholic All Year today that I can totally do. Kendra was given a Liebster Award, which means she had to answer some questions and then tag some other bloggers to answer the questions she wanted to ask. I didn’t get tagged by her, but she kindly included an invite for any bloggers to answer and play along. So, I am off the hook for thinking of something to write today. Here goes:
1. Where do you live? And why do you live there?
Wisconsin. Because of my husband’s job. Also because we both love the Midwest.
2. What are you currently watching and/or reading?
I’m between books. I just finished Rome Sweet Home (again) and am unsure what I’m going to pick up next. It will either be
- He Leadeth Me
- Style Sex and Substance: 10 Catholic Women Consider the Things that Really Matter
- A Father Who Keeps His Promises or
- Rediscover Catholicism
3. What kind of Catholic are you: cradle or convert (or considering)?
Convert. It will be official at the Easter Vigil (my conversion story part 1 and part 2).
4. Can you point to one moment or experience that made you a practicing Catholic (or want to be)?
As I mentioned in my second post about my conversion, there were lots of factors that led me to want to become Catholic, but probably the biggest was the experience or sitting in Mass and feeling a very strong urge to receive communion. That kind of started the whole Catholic ball rolling.
5. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
I have no idea. Too many. I have only a few pairs that I wear regularly now. Lots of my shoes are left over from my days of bar hopping in graduate school and shortly thereafter.
^^ c. 2002 Check the cute shoes ^^
I’m sure I’ll probably never any of those shoes again, but I can’t bring myself to get rid of them for some reason.
6. Are you a good dancer?
No. I was just discussing this with my husband. I used to be a good dancer (back in the aforementioned bar-hopping/pre-children days).
^^ 2008 Check the moves ^^
But somehow, I have totally lost my groove. Now I do the old lady side-step-shuffle-bounce dance.
I don’t know how this happened.
7. Who usually drives, you or your husband?
Always my husband. Except when I’m the pregnant, automatic-nine-month designated driver.
8. What is your favorite holiday and how do you celebrate it?
This is a toughy. I love Christmas. I have always loved Christmas. For tradition and meaning and sentimentality, Christmas is my favorite.
But, for pure fun, by far my favorite is Labor Day. We celebrate it with a huge weekend-long party at my husband’s parents’ farm in Missouri. His whole extended family comes. The weekend culminates with a shrimp boil and then crazy dance party in which everyone dresses in themed costumes and my husband and his brother and cousins and a few others are the band.
^^c. 2005 (?) It was a “Decades” theme. Guess which decade we picked.
I’ve been to a lot of parties in my time. This one consistently blows any other party out of the water. You can read all about it here (I apologize for the lack of photos in that post. When I switched hosting companies not all the photos got transferred. I’m working on it but it’s taking forever, and it’s too late for me to redo all the photos in that post tonight).
9. Which is correct, left or right?
Left. Without a doubt. Left. Husband, take note.
10. Do you have any scars?
A few. Nothing too major. Most notably I have a small scar under my right eye where my brother accidentally hit me with a baseball bat. I think I was four or five. And I have a scar from my c-section when Miss was born.
11. What’s the most famous thing you’ve ever done?
Nothing much. I’d like to say it’s the book I wrote shortly after completing my Ph.D., but since I think only about four people bought it, I’m going to have to say having one of my posts tweeted by Jennifer Fulwiler.
That’s it. If you want to answer these and link up, go HERE. And come back and let me know. Or just answer them in the comments (don’t be scared off by the Catholic questions if you’re not Catholic!). I’d love to read your answers.
All your parties look pretty amazing.
And . . . Frito Lay shorts? Wow.
Thanks for linking up!
Yeah, we found those at a thrift store and I had to get them for him. Aren’t they great? Thanks for your comment
I feel like every time I am commenting on your site it’s to ask a question….lol I have to bite…..what book did you write? topic if not actual title? that’s fabulous
My first was a C-section too and I also want four children. I’m 36….. How do you take such fabulous pictures – the one of your little one jumping in the mud puddle with the mud still up in the air is amazing… how did you get so darn good with the camera? I would love to take such great shots 
Thanks Erika! And thanks so much for your other comment too. You are so kind. My book is called “Detection of Deception,” about determining when someone is malingering or otherwise being deceptive in psychological evaluations. As for my photos, I am slowly learning new photography strategies and just barely figuring out how to shoot without being in automatic mode. I think the biggest thing is that I have some really good lenses for my camera and I just experiment a lot. And in situations like the mud puddle photo, I take TONS of pics to get the timing right and capture that perfect splash/drip/jump. I was so excited I caught that photo!